Chapter 127

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Ever since Bucky had the serum, you've always had shitty pregnancies with bad morning sickness, fairly quick labour's, but awful births. Peggy with Sarah on the other hand had a rather straightforward pregnancy, a long, painful, drawn out labour but then no birth complications. So far her pregnancy seems to have been the same with this baby as it was with Sarah, so you have no idea how this labour is going to go.


"What?!" You shriek and jump up out of your seat.

"Ooooh man, maybe we shouldn't have gone for that walk." She cringes.

"You think?!" You exclaim as you rush over to her. "Are you okay?"

She nods and bites her lip, clearly still in the middle of her contraction s based on the pain in her eyes. "But I think we should just go to the S.H.I.E.L.D hospital and get Howard to get into contact with them right away."

"Uuuum, alright, okay." You mutter you yourself as you look around, thinking about what you need to grab.

You're starting to understand why the boys get so panicked for some reason now that your not the one in labour.

"Just go. Don't worry about the kids. I'll look after them all. Ring me if you need anything." Eric instructs as he shoves the labour bag into your hand which he has already raced off to grab from Peggy's room.

Maybe he should be the one taking care of Peggy through this because right now you feel like all of your experience has gone out the window.

"Thanks." You manage in amongst your frenzy. "You can have my car keys, we will take Peggy's car."

"Mummy?" Sarah asks looking up at her concerned.

"Sarah sweetie, it's okay. It's just that your baby sibling is about to be born." Peggy explains to her as non frantically as she can manage as she summons her in for a hug.

"Oh really?!" Her little face lights up.

"Isn't that exciting?" You encourage her. "But you've gotta stay here with Eric and he'll look after you while I take mummy to the hospital. You'll get to see her and meet your little brother or sister soon okay?"

"Okay." She pouts as she hangs on to Peggy.

"You've got to let go now my darling girl, we need to go." Peggy whispers to her and kisses her forehead.

"Okay," she says reluctantly and let's go.

You help Peggy up and head out to the car, walking slowly beside her at her pace with your hand on her back.

"Thanks Eric!" You call back to him.

Thankfully S.H.I.E.L.D is just around the corner so you get there quick smart.

"Howard!" You shout to him the second you walk through the doors dragging Peggy behind you as she clutches at her belly to see him sitting in reception, feet up on the desk and sipping a cup of coffee. "Get a hold of Steve right now!"

He just about splashes his coffee all over himself he jumps so high from you giving him a fright.

"Oh shit." His eyes go wide as he sits up straight.

"Just hurry up and do it! He needs to get here as soon as he can! I don't care what they are doing because his baby is on its way right now!"

"Sorry! Sorry! Yes! I'm doing it!" He exclaims as he frantically fumbles to pick up the phone.

You and Peggy lean over the desk expectantly and wait as he dials.

"Ooooh. Shit." You hear Peggy mumble under her breath and you look over to see her all hunched up with her eyes shut.

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