Chapter 19

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If there's one thing you've discovered about Bucky's new enhanced abilities since he's been home it's that he's fricken amazing in bed now. Not that he wasn't great before as it was but now it's like he can just keep going and going and he just feels like heaven now too. It must be that newly enhanced stamina... And perhaps it might have caused an increase in size downstairs too which is always a bonus, even though he was big enough already.

At first you just thought that it must've been because you had missed him for so long and that it was just good to have him back. But now after a whole week of him feeling like he could keep it up for hours on end and you waking up still absolutely exhausted the next morning, you think it's safe to say that yep, there's definitely been some improvements.

You never realised that you like it so rough and hard and fast until that's the way he started giving it to you. The two of you used to be quite slow and soft, moving together nicely - and there was nothing wrong with that - but you definitely aren't complaining about his new style either.

"Nnnnnnnnn." You can't help but let out a loud moan as Bucky thrusts deeply into you, the whole bed jiggling with his movements.

"Shhh babe you need to keep it down or the kids will hear. They're right next door." Bucky grunts in reply, seemingly unphased with his metal hand up against the wall bracing him and his flesh hand cupping your breast.

"Sorry- baby- you just- feel- soooo- good." You gasp in time with him ramming into you.

"Well, ditto on that one sweets." He shrugs, not even out of breath.

"Oooohhhh Buckyyyy." You groan as you run your hands over his now super tight, muscled torso.

Every inch of him is taught, toned, ripped, glistening with sweat and just genuinely beautiful.

"I fricken love you doll." He sighs as he flips you over so that you're riding him. "You're so beautiful."

The two of you aren't really concerned about safe sex at the moment either, especially after the point that Steve and Peggy made the other day. There's nothing really to worry about at the moment. Bucky already said to you the first day he was home that he wants to have another child with you and this time do it right. So if it happens it happens.

You let him work his magic well past when you've come undone because it still just feels so bloody amazing and finally you feel him spill inside of you and collapse down on the bed, panting and puffing heavily.

With his face smooshed into the sheets, his eyes shut in relaxation and his mouth slightly ajar he looks absolutely adorable.

"My god I could get used to this." You huff as you lay beside him and run your hands through his damp hair.

"How long was that one?" He swallows in between breaths.

"About thirty minutes." You giggle.

"Oh new record?" he mumbles contently.

"I think so." You laugh.

You lay on your back catching your breath thinking that he might finally be done for the night; that was already your second time tonight.

"You wanna go again?" He suddenly smirks, slinking closer, fully recovered already.

You roll your head to the side and look at him incredulously, letting out a weak laugh.

"Sorry honey but I'm done for tonight. I'm completely gone." You shake your head.

"Aw that's okay. I can't blame you." He grins as he leans in to kiss you sweetly on the lips, his eyes filled with lust.

He reaches behind him to turn his dim bedside light off and in the dark you feel his arms - a contrast of cold and hot - snake around your naked waist and pull you flush against his warm chest where you curl up and snuggle into him, breathing in his scent as you drift off to sleep, safe in his arms once again.

Just a wee quickie for ya. (Or maybe not so much 😏😜.)

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