Chapter 94

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Bucky's POV:

I zip up my backpack after double checking that I have everything I need.

Warm gear, first aid kit... weapons. You know, the usual.

I hate this part. It's the worst. Having to say goodbye to my family knowing that there's a slim chance I might not ever see them again, having to hold it together in front of them so that they themselves don't break.

I huff as I sling the bag over my shoulder and take one last look in the mirror of the changing room. I'm dressed in denim jeans and a leather jacket so at least the kids don't have to see me in my combat gear, I hate it when they do.

I head out to where everyone including Steve who is already ready waits. Straight away I see my family standing there, somber as they wait for me to come say goodbye.

I walk over to them and try to put on a smile.

"Hey, cheer up guys. I'll be back before you know it," I say.

Islas already too busy crying, Theo is propped up on (Y/N)'s hip looking sad, (Y/N) herself has tear blurred eyes as she rocks the double pram back and forth and Luke is looking at the ground.

I go along the line, hugging and kissing each of them, including picking up each of the tiny twins for a second, whispering goodbye and I love you and telling each of them to look after each other and that it'll be okay. Then I get to (Y/N).

"Hey, look at me." I murmur and stroke her hair out of her face with my flesh hand as she tries to move away from my touch.

I can tell that she's trying to hide the fact that she's on the verge of tears. Her lip trembles.

I pull her chin around so that she has no choice but to look at me.

"Doll, it's gonna be okay. You can do this. I will be home before you know it." I state seriously.

"I know but I just worry." She whimpers. "And now there's so many kids to worry about." She tries to joke.

"You are such an amazing mother that you will be fine. You care for them pretty much full time by yourself during the day anyway." I reason.

She just nods trying to hold herself together.

"I love you." I add.

"I love you too." She smiles sadly.

"Now go get out of here before this gets any harder and I decide to come home." I say in a strained voice.

She laughs a little. "You know I would actually like that." She chokes out.

I pull her in for one last hug and kiss her forehead, hug each of the kids one more time and then literally steer them around towards the door or else I know they won't leave.

I look back one last time to see Luke looking back, he smiles and waves happily when we lock eyes. I do the same.

Once they are gone, Steve and I start to walk towards the back entrance with Peggy in tow to give us our final run down.

"Now, it's about a 7 hour drive so you will need to stop for fuel and supplies along the way. You've got a long journey ahead of you. Lay low and stay unnoticed. You're heading for the top of that cliff that we talked about. Leave your bikes hidden there, it's far enough away that they won't hear you coming but it will mean a trek for you guys, down What is pretty much a cliff. So please, no injuries or else you will have fun getting back up. All we have is that Hydra are operating somewhere out of one of the buildings in the old abandoned railway yard at the bottom of the cliffs but it's a large area and we can't determine exactly where so you're going to need to scope it out. We've intercepted lots of activity from the area but can't pin point its exact location as it's too far away. We don't know exactly what you're in for so be prepared." She stresses the last part more than anything.

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