Chapter 24

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Bucky holds your hand nervously, squeezing it tightly and jiggling his knees while you wait for the doctor. You can tell he is really anxious, you didn't realise how much he wanted this. You sit on the edge of the little bed and run your free hand through Bucky's luscious brown locks in an attempt to calm him. He seems to be more nervous than you.

Finally the doctor comes back in, his eyes scanning over the clip board and Bucky bolts up into a standing position waiting for the doctor to speak.

"Well, your suspicions were correct," he finally says as he looks over his glasses at you. "Congratulations Mrs Barnes, you're pregnant. Around six weeks to be exact."

You let go of the breath you didn't know you were holding and smile up at Bucky who is already beaming down at you bursting with excitement so much that he is jiggling on the spot.

You stand up and hug him tightly, he embraces you completely in return.

"Thank you doctor." He sighs as he pulls away and shakes his hand. "That's great."

"It's my pleasure, now I'll leave you guys to it and if you just book a check up for a months time I'll see you then."

"Oh my god yay," he breaths once the doctor is gone and embraces you once more, showering your forehead with kisses. It is at this point that you notice that his cheeks are wet with tears. "You have no idea how long I've waited to hear those words in this way."

Wow. You never thought about that. Sometimes you forget that Bucky isn't actually Luke's biological father and you suppose he wasn't there to find out about Isla either. This is technically his first time.

"I'm going to do this right this time," he says surely.

"Bucky you never did it wrong," you assure him.

"But I really have never done it properly," he points out with excitement in his eyes.

"You always have to me," you murmur and wrap your arms around his neck. "Isn't this great?" You sigh and peck him on the lips as you close your eyes contently.

"It's just what I wanted and more," he mumbles into your hair when you pull away. "We have to tell the kids."


"Hey Buck I was thinking we could go see Steve and Peg today, we can take the kids and you and Steve can catch up," you say innocently, thinking back to your conversation on the phone with Peggy this morning about what she had suggested the other day.

"Why's that?" Bucky frowns as he dries off his hands with a tea towel and walks over to you slowly.

"Just gives us something to do and gets the kids out of the house." You shrug.

"I would love to, but it depends if you feel up to it," he says as he slips a hand around your waist and presses a kiss to the top of your head.

"Yeah I'm not feeling too bad today. I wouldn't mind getting up and doing something," you sigh.

"Okay then, I'll just go get changed and gather up the kids and we can go." He smiles and starts to wonder off.

You nod and sit down on the couch to wait, you're still not feeling that great but at least now you know why.

When you spoke to Peggy she was the one who suggested that you come over. By the sounds of it it's hard for her to get Steve to open up too and thinks that hopefully Bucky and him will be able to relate to each other about it. She said she's told Steve that Bucky's having a hard time and that he should talk to him in hopes of it being good for him too. She also said that there is also something important that she needs to talk to Bucky about too.

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