Author's Note

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Hey guys, apologies I haven't updated this story in a while. There's just a lot going on with it and I need some time to sort it out and figure some stuff out and wrap my head around where I want to go with it.

But in the meantime I'm going to carry on with another story which I have neglected for a long time now! It's called The Shadowed Truths of the Son of a Hero and I have posted a sneak peak of it a little way back in this story which I really hope some of you enjoyed and would like to take a look at the rest of the story!

It's set in the present day and is about Bucky's son and his struggles with having a man like Bucky Barnes as his father. His mum and Bucky try to keep a lot of the finer details about what happened to his father hidden from him which of course confuses him and ends up a disaster in the long run. There aren't many chapters up yet but I've got some really exciting idea for it that I will be using now!

Thanks for your support and hopefully I'll see you back over at this story very, very soon.

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