Chapter 84

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"How'd you get this?" You mumble as you brush a delicate finger across the length of the fading scar in the crease of Bucky's forehead, his arms draped around your back and your chests pressed together as you get ready for the day in the kitchen together.

He's been back just over a week now and everyone is pretty much back on good terms, able to joke more with all serious conversations out of the way and ground rules and understanding laid out.

He blushes and lets out a laugh. "Haha, ah, funny story. I ran into a tree."

You can't help but pull away and burst out laughing. "What?! No heroic story? You just ran into a tree?"

"Hey don't be mean! I was disorientated okay?" He says defensively.

"Mum? Dad?" Luke interrupts you.

"Yeah sweetie?" You gasp, collecting yourself and straightening up.

"I was wondering if Pet could come around after school today?" He asks.

"Who?" Bucky and you both frown.

"Pet? You know, Petra?"

"Aw! That's so cute! You have a nickname for her now!" You coo.

"Mumm," he grumbles.

"Sorry, yeah sure she can come over." You chuckle.

"Thanks!" He smiles, heading out the door.


That afternoon you were expecting Luke and Petra to just come home and hang out for the afternoon, being 11 now they are getting a bit past games. But instead they come bursting through the door exclaiming loudly.

"Mum! Mum! Look! Look what we found on the way home!" Luke shouts.

You haul yourself up from where you lean against Bucky on the couch and he follows after you.

"What is it?" You ask.

"A puppy!" Petra beams as she holds the tiny brown ball of fur out to you.

You and Bucky look at each other wide eyed.

"Where did you get that?" You ask urgently, praying that it's not from someone's backyard or something.

"In a gutter, curled up in a pile of rubbish," Luke explains. "It was howling but since it's so small it was more like a squeak and there was no one around."

"We think it's abandoned." Petra adds.

"What's happened?" Isla shrieks running out of her room. "Oh my god is that a puppy!?"

You can't help but groan, knowing what's coming next.

"Can we keep him? Please!" All the kids ask in unison.

You look at Bucky who just looks lost about the whole thing.

"Look guys I'm real sorry but I just think that right now is not a good time for us to get a puppy." You huff.

"Aw!" They all pout, even Petra strangely enough but she probably wants to visit it.

"Aw!" Bucky suddenly adds.

You quirk an eyebrow. "Since when were you interested in this matter?"

"Look how cute it is!" He points to it helplessly.

"Are you sure we can handle this right now?"

"It'll be a good distraction for the kids and what are we gonna do? Just leave it out there on the streets?"

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