Chapter 65

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You and Luke wait at the station for Bucky to come home for the weekend, a mixture of emotions swirling inside you. How you do end up reacting could all be determined by how Bucky is when he steps off that train.

This is his last trip home before he is shipped off to England... before you might not see him again for a long, long time. On one hand, you're desperately excited to see him but on the other you dread seeing him have to go and you know that no matter how happy you are all weekend that little fact is always going to be there, bugging you at the back of your mind and ruining moments.

Little Luke however is just point blank excited. He's too young to understand the concept that the reason Bucky gets to come home this reason ultimately has a not so good outcome; nothing comes free in this world and especially not to you guys it seems. You're glad that he's got something to look forward to, but you dread having to explain to him where his father has gone and why their is a possibility that you might not see him again when Monday morning roles around and he gets woken up in the early hours to watch him go.

"Mummy!" Luke gasps excitedly and points into the distance. "Look there's a train! Do you think it's daddy's train?"

"I'd say so sweetie." You smile down at him, butterflies rising in your stomach.

You were so busy worrying about everything that you didn't notice the large puff of smoke coming from the steam train slowing just about one hundred metres from the station.

"Yay! I can't wait to see him! I'm so excited! I miss him so much!" He exclaims and jumps up and down.

"Me too." You beam and nod, fantasising about seeing Bucky again after the few long months that he's been away at training.

To think that he's actually sped through his training and completed it early. This felt long enough, you don't know how you would've bared him being away longer. But then again he's about to go away for much, much longer.

Already, there's that sickly feeling in the pit of your stomach that comes whenever you start to feel some kind of relief, and Bucky's not even off the train yet.

The has just train ground to a halt with an ear piercing screech and Luke's already tugging at your hand to get closer.

"Mum come on! We need to get closer!" He urges as he desperately pulls on your hand.

"Luke sweetie calm down." You chuckle and let him pull you slightly. "It's not going to make a difference, there isn't that many people here and besides, we can't go past the barricades anyway. Daddy will find us perfectly fine right here."

"Okay." He huffs, his shoulders slumping.

But it only lasts a second because suddenly there is a collective gasp from the crowd followed by a murmur and then just like that all the shouting and waving and calling of names start as the soldiers begin to file out of train. These men aren't war heroes just yet but with this reception you would think they were.

"Mummy I can't see!" Luke wines in dismay, stressing about wanting to find his father at the first glance possible.

"Relax Luke your not going to miss out. Here, I'll put you on my shoulders so you can see better okay?" You sigh and suggest.

"Okay." He nods eagerly and reaches up for you.

Since he's a small boy you lift him easily enough so that he's sitting well above everyone else on your shoulders. You can still see amongst the rest of the heads but you let Luke think he's got to be the one looking.

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