Chapter 62

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You skip across the field through the tall, dry wheat grass, running your hands through it and letting the husks fly through the air. The sky is the brightest blue you've ever seen and there's just a slight breeze to make everything perfect. As you head for the lone tree in the centre of the field your (Y/H/L) (Y/H/C) hair flies out behind you and your dress flows around your knees.

You're excitement rises the closer you get, knowing that waiting under that tree just like always is your best friend. When you get closer the rows of wheat gradually disperse into patches of regular grass. Right under the tree where it is covered with shade is the only place where the grass is green, healthy and luscious, protected from the sun and heat. That tree is your favourite place. The brilliant green leaves and shadowy canopy provide the perfect play space for you to imagine anything, to be anything.

Sure enough right where you expected him to be, there he is. Sitting with his back against the tree and his legs splayed out in front of him, his head falling forward with his cap dipped over his face and his hands laying limply in his lap.

You cover a hand to your mouth, trying to stifle a giggle. He's asleep.

How can you play a trick on him?

You grab hold of a branch and jump up, monkey climbing your way up to a good spot where there is a branch flimsy enough to shake, with lots of leaves, lots of nuts and it's right above his head. You then laugh aloud as you start to shake the branch, the leaves rustling loudly quickly followed by an abundance of nuts that topple over him and hit him on the head.

All at once he wakes with a surprised jolt. You let out a thrilled, amused laugh of joy that you succeeded.

"Bucky!" You chuckle as he looks around frowning confused. "You're so silly!"

He spots you just as you start to clamber back down.

"Hey!" He wines and pokes his tongue out.

"I can't believe you fell asleep. You old man." You tease.

"It was just so peaceful I couldn't help it," he explains, chucking one of the nuts you through him up in his hand as you swing off a low brunch and land right in front of him. "Now come on! What are we waiting for? Lets go!" He exclaims and grabs your hand suddenly, dragging you with him back into the edges of the wheat grass.

"Ah Bucky!" You giggle in surprise. "What are we doing? What's the rush?"

"Everything! There's so much to do! So many opportunities!" He shouts and throws his hands out, looking up at the cloudless sky.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" You remark amusedly.

"What hasn't." He sighs and suddenly sits down, lying back and flattening the grass.

He motions for you to lay down beside him.

"The sun is shining, the birds are chirping. We are breathing. And we have the whole day to do whatever we want, be what ever we want. Life couldn't get any better!" He points out contently.

You can't help but laugh a little as you lay down next to him.

"I suppose you're right aren't you," you ponder in thought, looking up at the bright sun high in the sky right above you, squinting and shadowing your eyes because of it's light.

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