Chapter 91

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You look at Bucky, both of your mouths agape in confusion and heartbreak. But slowly you rise and follow the doctor, cradling Lilly close to your chest and looking back at Blue longingly one more time. Your too in shock to even process what he just said.

The blood tests only take a few minutes, but they make Lilly cry which is difficult and even just that amount of time makes you want to be back by Blues side incase something happens. However on the way back Guenivere comes running up to you and Bucky.

"I know this is the last thing that you guys want to here right now but Luke's school just called. They think he's broken his arm and they're sending him off to the public hospital for X-rays." She states out of breath from running.

Your stomach drops yet again.

"Oh my god are you serious?" You exclaim, completely over everything that life has thrown at you over the course of about the last five hours.

"I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news. They tried calling home and then here and just wanted to let you guys know so that someone could go be with him." She says sheepishly.

You look helplessly down the corridor to the front doors and then back in the direction of the ICU.

"Babe, don't worry about it. I'll go get luke, you stay here and look after the twins. Ring me if you here anything and I'll do the same," Bucky says to you sincerely.

You look at him lovingly. "Thank you."

Of course your worried about Luke but all you want is to be with Blue right now.

He kisses you on the lips, follows you back to the ICU and presses a feather touch kiss to his tiny sons forehead before leaving.

You pull the chair back up next to his bed and just stroke his frozen cheek and his palm, willing him to just curl his fingers around your own, while holding Lilly in your lap.

What are you going to do? She needs to be fed but you can't risk that until you know more.

After a while of just staring blankly at Blue you hear a soft knock at the door and you look up, half asleep to see Steve and Peggy standing there with such sad looks on their faces.

"Hey," Steve says in a hushed tone but Peggy just looks like she's about to cry.

She comes over to you and just embraces you in a hug making you burst out crying again.

"They don't know what's wrong." You sob. "They said he might die!"

"Oh my god." Peggy whimpers and clutches you tighter.

"We were sure if you wanted company but we figured whether you guys wanted it or not you need all of the moral support you can get right now." Steve comes over and wraps his arms around you from behind.

"Thanks." You sniffle weakly.

"Where's Buck?" Steve asks.

"You won't believe it, but the school called and Luke's broken his arm so he's gone to pick him up from the hospital." You whimper as you try to hold it together through the mere act of speaking.

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