Chapter 38

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Bucky's POV:

I look at our baby in absolute awe as the doctor hold it up. Happiness and pride bursts in my chest. I've never felt this way before except for when I first met Luke and Isla, but actually being there when my baby is born this time makes it even more amazement.

Although I'm full to the brim with excitement I know something's wrong. Newborn babies are meant to cry right? Our baby isn't crying, in fact they aren't moving at all, they even look blue. My blood runs cold as I see the frown furrowing the doctors brow as he examines the tiny form.

Quickly I look back at (Y/N) for a split second and I can tell something isn't right. She's gone sickly pale and her eyes are rolling back in her head.

"Bucky," she mumbles barely audibly and tries to reach for me but misses, clearly out of it. "I think something's wrong."

I grab her hand that is hanging from the bed and squeeze it, trying to get her to respond.

Just then she goes completely limp, her head tilting sideways and her eyes shut, unconscious. I feel like I'm in the worst nightmare ever. What do I do?

She's freezing cold.

"Doll?" I whimper. "(Y/N) baby? Are you okay? Stay with me!" I lean up and gently slap at her cheek.

Frantically I look back at the doctor who's attention is still on our baby.

"Something's not right," he murmurs to himself.

"Doctor?" I ask desperately. "What's going on? What's wrong with my wife? Is our baby okay?"

At the sound of my voice he looks up for the first time as if snapping out of a trance to see what's happened to (Y/N). His eyes go wide.

"I need to- I need back up here. Your child isn't breathing." He frowns gravely.

"Not breathing? Why?" I practically shriek, all my happiness being washed away at once.

"I'm not sure, just please don't panic," the doctor says as he starts to rush out of the room with our baby.

"What about (Y/N)?!" I call after him worriedly as I look back at her sombre expression.

"I'm sending a nurse in now!" He shouts back urgently.

What do I do? Do I stay with my wife who needs me or go with my child who needs me?

My wife comes first. The love of my life. I love our child but I will protect (Y/N) at all costs. Besides, our baby is safe in the hands of the doctor who I trust.

Tears start to sting my eyes and my breathing rate picks up as panic kicks in. What is happening? I look around frantically as if there will be some magical solution to whatever is going on hiding somewhere. Do I go find help or stay here?

After a few seconds I just collapse down with my head against the bed and completely burst out crying. This can't be happening. I grip onto (Y/N)'s hand and in between sobs kiss it.

"Please wake up." I croak. "Please doll please be okay."

Before I even have time to think, my thoughts are interrupted by two nurses rushing in with shocked looks on their faces.

"Oh my goodness." One huffs exasperatedly as she sees what's going on.

"Mr Barnes I'm terribly sorry but we're going to have to ask you to leave the room for the time being," the other says gravely as they immediately start checking all of her vitals.

"What? No! No way am I leaving!" I exclaim.

"Sir, please, we need you to leave," she insists.

"No! I can't leave her!" I cry as they start to pull me away.

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