Chapter 86

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You try to ignore the pain and keep walking forward, inconspicuously holding a hand under your belly now as if that will help make any sort of difference. You try to hurry. All you want to do is get out of here and to safety without anything going wrong.

But then a pain comes again just as you are starting up the stairs and this time you can't help but let out a soft cry as you exhale and crumple over, your arm slipping away from Bucky's side as you will it to go away. The pain has already dialled up easily by 50%. This time it feels like your knees might give out and you can't help but grunt as you keel over.

Now everyone fully stops. Peggy turns around to you, her face pale as it's obvious what's going on.

"Doll?" Bucky asks nervously and shakily kneels down to your level, looking at you frantically as you cringe.

You can see Steve's eyes filled with worry at what's to come now too.

"Oh fuck!" You just manage to whimper as sure enough warm water starts trickling down your leg.

"What's happening? Are you okay?" Bucky asks trying to deny that this is happening right now.

"B-Bucky. My water just broke." You gasp and lean against him suddenly feeling faint with dread and nerves and terror and all kind of emotions.

He stumbles sideways as he catches you, still not 100% himself.

"Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He exclaims quietly with wide eyes.

Suddenly everything hits you that you hadn't really let yourself think about yet. The complications last time, the unsurity of if the baby really is okay after the two big incidences you've had this time around.

Steve just looks at you wide eyed and helpless.

"Oh please baby not right now." You whimper.

"We have to get out of here right now. Come on, it won't be long before they realise we are here." Peggy says seriously and grabs your sleeve to start tugging you along.

Luckily the contraction is passing because it must be adrenaline or something because suddenly Bucky is running easily again, no longer slow or stumbling and he takes your hand and pulls you up after him without checking if you're fully recovered as the four of you start to run, Steve and Peggy taking off slightly ahead and Bucky hanging back to guide you.

You feel sick to your stomach. Shit these contractions are coming hard and fast.

"Come on Doll, you can do this. We have to keep going." Bucky calmly assures you and rubs your back, supporting you as you try to move as fast as you can.

All you can do is whimper as you clutch onto the rail of the stairs and Bucky for support.

Peggy pulls out a phone. "Howard? We need you to bring the car around now as close as you can." She says into it seriously.

You're just waddling your way across the warehouse that on the way in took less than a minute but now has no joke taken five minutes so far and you're not even halfway to the door because every step is so much effort when all of a sudden the third contraction hits you so full on that you actually buckle to your knees.

You gasp, and grasp your belly, biting your lip to fight back a scream as a single tear slips out.

Bucky stops tugging you when he feels you fall and he looks back behind him to see the state your in.

"Doll?!" He asks frantically.

You can't help but let out a high pitched grunt and then exhale heavily.

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