Chapter 9

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You hold off going to the doctor, thinking that maybe it's just a flu. But after a week of throwing up, feeling exhausted and constantly nauseous you know that you can't avoid the possibility anymore so you take the day off work and go to the doctor.

Now you sit nervously waiting for your test results. Finally the doctor comes back in with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations, you're pregnant Mrs Barnes." He says.

Your stomach drops. You don't know how to feel. One part of you is so happy that you and Bucky are finally managing to have a baby but another part of you is devastated. Bucky isn't here, he might not be back for a long time. He probably won't get to see your child be born or grow up through the early stages of it's life.

You quietly thank the doctor and leave, heading home to do some serious thinking while you have some time to yourself before Luke comes home from school.

What do you do? There's no point in crying, as much as you want to because Bucky is still around, he will come home eventually. But you don't exactly feel over the moon either because now your going to be looking after a young child and be pregnant and then have a new born all by yourself.

However, the fact that you've got Bucky's baby growing inside of you fills you with joy. It's just a shame that due to your circumstances you can't be as happy as you should be able to, and Bucky can't share that joy either.

And what about Bucky. How do you tell him? If you do tell him it is going to get him all worked up and excited and stressed out because there is no way that he can come home and help you and that won't be good while he's out in the front lines. But you can't not tell him either because imagine him coming home to see you with a giant, swollen belly or an extra child in the house. He would absolutely freak. Of course your going to have to tell him. You'll just not make it that big of a deal.

You two have been trying to send letters to each other so you'll just write him one explaining it.

The time comes to go pick up Luke so you do so and decide that once you get home you'll tell him and then write a letter to Bucky.

"Are you feeling better mummy?" Luke asks as you walk inside.

"I am actually thank you honey." You sigh tiredly.

"Did the doctor give you medicine?" He frowns in concern.

"No actually, there's nothing that can help me." You say, a small smile creeping up onto your lips.

"Why what's wrong?" He cries out worried.

"Guess what baby, I'm pregnant. That means that you're going to have a little sister or brother!" You exclaim.

You watch happily as his face lights up.

"Really?" He gasps. "You mean I get to be a big brother?"

"Yep." You chuckle at his eagerness.

"Oh yay!" He screeches and comes running up to you, hugging you and then grabbing your hands to spin around in circles. "Yay! Yay! Yay!"

"Careful buddy." You laugh as you come to a stop.

"When does the baby get here?" He asks.

"Not for a while, nine months." You say.

"Aw." He pouts disappointed.

"Hey don't be sad! They'll be hear before you know it." You smile. "Now I'm going to write a letter to Bucky, would you like to write one too?"

"Oh yes please!" He says excitedly and jumps up to go to his room to write it.

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