Chapter 11

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"Oh god." You whimper.

This can't be happening. Not now. Not yet. You don't feel ready. Bucky doesn't know, not that he would anyway. It's night time. What about Luke?

You do the first thing that comes to mind. As quickly as you can you waddle into the lounge to the phone and dial.

"Hello?" Your mum says picking up.

"Mum?" You whimper. "Hello? Sorry I know this is bad timing but I need your help. The baby's coming now."

"What? Oh my gosh! (Y/N) are you okay? I'll be over right away!" She says frantically.

"Yes I'm okay thank you just please hurry!" You exclaim.

Luckily they don't live too far away.

Next you ring the hospital, this time you're doing it properly because you're not trying to keep a secret, and tell them that you've gone into labour and have no way of getting there and they say that they're sending an ambulance right away.

Once this is all done your so stressed out that you almost forget what it is about, but you are quickly reminded by a second sharp pain stabbing through you.

You gasp as quietly as possible so as to not frighten Luke until the pain subsides and then you realise that you should probably go tell him what is happening. He's seven years old now after all he will understand and needs to know.

You shuffle to his room, holding your tummy which suddenly feels ten times heavier.

"Luke." You whisper as you shake his shoulder where he lies sleeping peacefully. "Luke sweetie wake up."

"Huh?" He mumbles as his eyelids flutter open.

"Okay honey don't worry but the baby is coming early so I have to go to hospital now. Grandma is coming over to look after you and I don't know when I'll be back but you've got grandma okay?" You explain quietly.

"What? The baby's coming?" He mutters.

"Yes baby just go back to sleep everything will be alright." You shush him and press a kiss to his forehead.

You just make it back out in time for another contraction to hit. You wince and sit down on the couch and try and breath slowly and deeply to stay calm.

Just then your mother comes barging through the door.

"Mum!" You gasp.

"Oh sweetie are you okay?" She exclaims and rushes over to you, kneeling in front of you.

"Ah, yep!" You whimper.

"Just relax okay? Everything's going to be fine." She says soothingly.

You nod through the pain. If Luke wasn't next door you would probably be screaming right now because it hurts so much.

You swear it didn't hurt this much last time this early on. A tear escapes your eye and slips down your cheek.

Finally the ambulance comes and they take you to hospital. All you wish for now is that Bucky could be by your side, holding your hand. This would be so much easier that way.


"Ahhhh!" You cry out and grip at the sheets of the hospital bed.

This is awful. It hurts so much. It's taking so long.

You hate not having Bucky here. You always pictured him sitting here by the bedside with you, cheering you on, holding your hand and supporting you. But he's not. He can't be. He doesn't even know that this is happening right now. And it's not even his fault.

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