Chapter 119

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You feel your jaw drop to the ground and when you look over Bucky's eyes are like saucers they are so wide with surprise and Steve has a frown on his face that is almost as if to say 'I call bullshit', (A/N: Just try imagine the face he made in Ultron when he first met Clint's kids 😂) although he would never really let that word ever actually escape his lips.

"I'm sorry." Peggy laughs almost deliriously. "I must've miss heard you because I thought you just said to us that this is your wife and child."

"Nope, you heard right." He nods and shrugs, swinging back on his heals innocently.

"What?" She exclaims in disbelief. "How? W-When? Why- when were you planning on telling us this? On telling me, your business partner and best friend, this?"

You can't tell if she's mad or just shocked.

"I wanted to wait until the time was right and I figured now was a good time." He continues.

You look over at the four already sitting at the table and Mrs Stark smiles sheepishly. Her cheeks are red and you can tell she's embarrassed. Meanwhile their baby, Tony, just sits there playing with his toy on his highchair table without a care in the world. This Natasha lady smirks amusedly, taking a seat and clearly enjoying the show while Sam just watches curiously.

"Okay." Steve shakes his head and blinks his eyes widely as if to try and sort his thoughts. "Let's just sit down because I feel like we all need an explanation right now."

"Of course." Howard grins rather proudly, rather enjoying the confusion that he has created.

It's not that this is a bad thing. It's just the last thing everyone was expecting.

There are highchairs there which you set Theo and the twins up in while Peggy does the same with Sarah. Luke and Isla clamber you onto some of the big chairs and then you help Bucky get down into his which after a few whimpers and flinches he does manage, before finally settling down into yours and staring at Howard who now sits next to his wife now with his hand on her thigh and looks at her adoringly.

The food is brought out pretty much instantly and everyone digs in, although you're still waiting for and wanting an explanation.

"Ahem." Peggy finally clears her throat.

Howard looks her way, eyebrows raised in questioning.

"You mind telling us when this all started?" She asks gobsmacked and motions to Maria and Tony.

"Ah yes right." He smiles before explaining. "Well, we met not long after we got back from the war at an intervention I was doing a demonstration at and it was not long at all before I knew that she was the one for me. Quite simply put, I was smitten. But we wanted to keep things quiet, at least for the moment you see. Dear Maria is a little shy so the life I lead is taking some getting used to for her.

"Yes. Okay. But what about the marriage and the baby?" Peggy urges, eyes still wide in disbelief.

Howard shrugs casually. "We just went and had a simple signing ceremony down at the town hall and then little Anthony came along not long after that."

"A simple ceremony?!" She guffaws. "That does not sound anything like you Howard."

"What can I say?" He sighs. "She's changed me, for the better."

"It was even Howard who suggested having it there." Maria finally chimes in in a quiet voice.

"And you didn't think to tell me about this? Not even a single mention her?" Peggy asks seemingly hurt.

I'll Keep This Secret For Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें