Chapter 108

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Luke's POV:

I dodge through the crowds of kids as we all rush to get out of school at the end of the day as quickly as possible, heading for the gate where I said I'd meet Petra after school. I get there before her and just wait by the path, leaning against the fence. She generally gets out kinda late after talking to her friends so it's not surprising that I'm still waiting when majority of the school yard is empty. Not that I mind, for her.

"Psst." I swear I could hear someone say all of a sudden.

I look around confused.

"Hey Luke!" I hear someone call from down the street. "Lukey! My boy! Over hear!"

I turn to see someone standing like twenty metres down the road from me waving out and summoning me over to them. Hesitantly I just sort of stand there looking at them, only taking a few steps.

Mum always told me not to talk to strangers and I don't know who this is but they seem to know me. So who is it?

I inch closer and realise who it is just as they say it themselves.

"Aw come on son! It's just your dad! No need to be scared, I've just come to say hi." He explains and starts to walk over to me.

"Dad?" I say hesitantly but find my feet heading towards him regardless. "What are you doing here?"

"I was passing through town and just wanted to come see my boy. Is there anything wrong with that? Come on, give me a hug!" He exclaims as he strides right up to me and wraps me up in an uncomfortable hug before I can even stop him.

His hair is greasy and he has a crusty beard. He wreaks of something bitter and just kind of looks a bit homeless. He's even worse than I remember him looking when he crashed my birthday last year. But he's my biological father. Surely I should give him the courtesy of saying hi right? How much trouble could that cause?

"So, how've you been son? What've you been up to? Behaving I hope?" He asks me and rests his arm around my shoulder.

We walk down the street away from the school a little bit. But it can't hurt. I'll still be able to see Petra from here and she'll still be able to see me if she comes out.

"Yeah, mostly. All I've really been doing is school and helping out with things around the house. Mum and dad- ah, I mean... mum and Bucky are really busy with lots of stuff at the moment." I explain briefly, aware not to upset him by calling Bucky my dad.

But the truth is that's who I see him as. This man, my so called real dad has never hardly cared to take notice of me.

"Aw so they're lumping all the hard work on you? Now that's not very fair is it?" He pouts sympathetically.

I shrug, thinking about it for a second. "I mean, I guess so maybe. It gets a little frustrating sometimes but they have a lot to to do. Especially with d-Bucky's job. It's not exactly a regular job. Plus, isn't it kind of kids jobs to have chores? Especially being the eldest?"

"You know, if you came and lived with me I wouldn't make you do any chores. You could just do whatever you want and even tag along to work with me too. Wouldn't that be cool?"

The way he's talking and asking all these questions and even the way he looks at me feels kind of possessive.

"What kind of job do you have?" I ask, not sure.

Suddenly we stop walking right beside a black van and the grip on my shoulder tightens. He grins at me maniacally before answering.

"You're about to find out." He laughs and next thing I know the side door of the van comes flying open and he shoves me inside.

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