Chapter 26

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Just as they said they were going to, Steve and Bucky go and check out the shield facilities the next day. Not really knowing what to expect you kind of just thought that they were going to be a few hours, but nope, they're gone the whole day. In fact it's dark out and you're setting up dinner before there is any sign of him being back.

It's only day one and you can already tell that this shield agent thing is going to be hard on you guys.

"Mum when's dad getting home?" Luke asks as him and Isla wait patiently at the dinner table.

"Has he gone to get the baby?" Isla gasps hopefully.

"No sweetie." You laugh. "I already told you, the baby won't be here for nine months and it's growing in here," you say patting your belly.

"Aw." She pouts.

"Luke you remember when Isla was in my tummy right?" you continue.

"Yes, you got fat," he grins cheekily.

Isla bursts out laughing.

"But anyway, I'm not sure where daddy is, I think he will be home soon but he had to go into work today," you explain.

"Work? Where does he work?" Luke frowns.

"He's working to fight bad guys." You sigh, putting it in as simple terms as possible.

"So he's like a superhero?!" He exclaims.

"Daddy superhero!" Isla squeals excitedly.

"What's this about a superhero?" A husky voice asks suddenly.

You look up to see Bucky just walking in the door brushing a hand through his hair, you didn't even hear him open it.

"We were just talking about how awesome your new job is." You smile as you walk over to him and slide your arms around him to hug him.

If he's going to be doing this you might as well support him in it.

"Dad I didn't know you were a superhero!" Luke exclaims, jumping up in his seat. "That's so cool!"

Bless your kids for always saying the right thing at the right time.

"My dads a superhero! My dads a superhero!" Luke starts chanting and marching around the table.

"Superhero! Daddy's a superhero! Superhero! Superhero! Daddy!" Isla giggles as she gets up and clumsily runs around, chasing after Luke on her little toddler feet.

"Would you look at that?" You let out a small laugh. "I think they're pretty happy."

"Superhero," Bucky ponders as if tasting the word. "That's a good way to look at it, and it sounds cool too I suppose." He grins.

Thank you children. Maybe they can have some dessert tonight.

You smile and kiss Bucky's lips before realising that he's all sweaty and smelly and damp.

"Ugh what have you been doing?" You grimace as you pull away.

"Working my superhero butt off at the gym as a matter of fact." He smirks. "Steve isn't going easy on these workouts. Oh, and that reminds me. Howard likes to refer to us as 'super soldiers' rather than 'superheros', but I don't mind whichever one you want to use. They both sound as good as each other," he teases.

"Geez did they give you a shot of cockiness while you were there today?" you joke.

"I'm just kidding," he laughs and pulls you back in for a hug and kisses the top of your head.

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