Chapter 31

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Steve soon comes back in but I don't actually notice until he places a hand on my back. I flinch and look up at him wearily.

"You look like a mess my friend." He smiles sympathetically.

"I feel like a mess to." I huff. "My whole life is a mess right now."

"Don't worry, it'll get better. Now, is it all right if I go pick up Peg? She's worried sick. (Y/N)'s mum is over there now to looking after the other two." He sighs.

"Yeah sure, thank you so much for everything today Steve. I really appreciate it."

"No problem brother. Take care of yourself. Oh and a nurse said you can go see (Y/N) now."

I bolt up from my chair, nerves and fear tingling in my stomach. Steve gives me a warm smile.

"Good luck Buck, I'll be back soon," he says before heading off.

Timidly I walk towards the room where I know (Y/N) is, ringing my hands together nervously. Quietly, not knowing what to expect I crack the door open and see that it just looks like she's sleeping peacefully in the bed. I'm actually surprised by how normal she looks. Besides a few tubes and wires hooked up to her, a heart rate monitor, and her skin looking a little pale she looks normal.

I take a seat beside her and slip my flesh hand into hers, pressing it to my lips and then resting it on the bed.

"I'm so sorry doll," I mumble as my eyes blur with tears again. "I'm sorry for going out, I'm sorry for shouting at you, I'm sorry for leaving, especially without apologising. I was wrong. I want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world and I just want more than anything for you to be okay. I care about the baby too, but if I had to choose between the two of you I would choose you in a heartbeat. I love you (Y/N). Please wake up. Please be okay."

I don't know what I was thinking I would get in response, but the silence is overwhelming and it makes me just how aware of the fact that I have no idea what's wrong with my wife, or what's going to happen.

Suddenly I can't stand it anymore and I can't help but start crying again, burying my face in the blankets of her bed, holding her hand in mine and placing my other hand on her small, but hopefully still growing bump, crying until I eventually drift off to sleep, exhausted from the events of the week.

Your POV:

You wake up to a soft beeping noise, a sterile smell and an aching back. Confused you squint through the bright light until your vision starts to unblur. You look around, unsure of the unfamiliar place you're in until finally your eyes land on a sleeping form with their head lying on the edge of the bed that your in that unmistakeably can be no one other than Bucky.

You become aware of a light pressure on your round stomach and see his metal hand resting on it lightly.

You smile to yourself at the sight of him. He's home.

"Buck," you croak and gently try to nudge him with the arm that his head is lying on.

Instantly he shoots up groggily, but the minute he sees you he is completely alert.

"(Y/N)!" He gasps with wide eyes and tears rimming them. "Oh my god you're okay."

"What happened? Where am I?" You mumble as he leans in and wraps you up in a hug which you weakly return, your arms feeling like led.

He pulls away from you and gives you a solemn look. "I don't know," he murmurs hoarsely. "I ca-"

Suddenly it all comes flooding back to you as you wrack your fuzzy brain.

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