Chapter 116

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You hesitate at the door, unsure if you really want to do this, for your children to see their father this way. But Isla ends up being what pushes you through.

"Mummy?" She asks in a soft voice and you look down feeling her tugging at your skirt.

She looks at you hopefully.

You grunt as you lean down and pick up Theo. "Come on sweetie." You sigh as you take her hand with your free one. "Let's go."

And with that you push inside through the door. Isla is only holding your hand for mere seconds, you've hardly even stepped in the room let alone gotten a glance Bucky's way, but she must've had her eyes zeroed in on him because she breaks away from your side straight away.

"Daddy!" She shrieks in horror as she runs to his bedside and pulls herself up onto it, kneeling at his side and reaching out to cup his face in her dainty little hands. "Daddy? Can you hear me? Are you okay?"

"Dad!" Luke gasps and goes rushing over too.

Although you can't see his lower half because it's under the blankets even though you know that's where the worst of the damage must be, what you can see is pretty awful as well. There is a tube in his mouth hooked up to what must be the ventilator which of course is a scary sight to see. He has a black eye which you didn't see before because of the amount of blood covering his face and his head is wrapped up in bandages to cover what must've been the head wound causing all of that bleeding in the first place. All down his flesh arm are more bruises and cuts and claw marks as well.

You can't stand to see him looking like this. The only thing keeping you in this room are the kids. You just stand there in shock, hardly able to move, unable to say anything. Just frozen on the spot staring at your husband.

Theo squirms in your arms to try and get out and you place him down on the bed where he clambers onto Bucky's stomach and tries to lays down there.

"No Theo!" You gasp and grab him back off knowing that that's where his surgery sight will be.

"What? No! Daddy! I want daddy!" He starts to wail, his bottom lip dropping.

His language skills seem to really have started to excel in the last few weeks which to be honest right now is not the biggest help because he can put up a fight and throw a tantrum. He's definitely speaking at a higher caliber than most kids his age now.

"No Theo. You can't. Daddy's hurt. We have to be gentle." You struggle to explain to him. "He's got a sore tummy so don't lie on it, just stay beside him."

At this he stops and looks at you sadly.

"Did I hurt him?" He whimpers.

"No bud." You shake your head. "Just be careful."

Then you place him back down on the bed. This time he just crawls in beside him and cuddles up between his arm and his side.

"Please get better daddy." He mumbles and looks up at him.

You look back to see Peggy standing to the back of the room looking... almost heartbroken. Steve walks slowly over to the bedside and slips his hand into Bucky's flesh one while resting his other one on Luke's shoulder.

"Come on Buck. I know you can pull through this." He mumbles gravely.

"Peg? Are you okay?" You ask her.

You know that she's blaming herself and as much as you didn't want him to go on the mission there is no way that this is her fault. It's not only her decision, it's just her job to give out the missions. And how was she to know?

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