Chapter 121

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Your POV:

The next morning is awkward as hell. Although the only good thing that comes from it is that Bucky seems to have turned a corner and suddenly feels a lot better and not in so much pain. You and him both go to breakfast once you've got the younger four up and he actually manages to eat some solid food and keep it down.

Everyone else is already there by the time you get there since most of them actually managed to get a decent nights sleep unlike you who laid awake half the night replaying you, Bucky and Luke's fight over and over in your head. You've never had a fight like that before with him and you don't know how it's going to be when you see him today but you definitely get the feeling that he's not just going to move on from it just like that.

You can tell from the way that everyone looks up at the group of you six, in particular you and Bucky, that everyone knows by now. Nat is hiding behind a cup of coffee that she slurps away at but you know she's smirking. She seems nice so far, just a little distant. Howard and Maria clearly don't know how to approach the situation. Sam looks like he's trying to be overly friendly in hopes to cheer you up. And Steve and Peggy appear to be frantically thinking of something to say.

"Good morning to you guys!" Sam exclaims cheerily.

"Morning." You all mumble back, still sleepy.

"You're looking better today Buck." Steve nods towards him.

"Feeling it too." Bucky sighs and looks at an only half alert Lilly propped up on his hip.

It's the first time he's managed to hold either of the twins since he was injured.

"That's good. Hopefully you'll feel as good as new in no time," Howard says eagerly.

"We were just talking about how the weather doesn't seem to have relented at all yet." Peggy changes the subject and Maria nods in agreement.

That is not what you were talking about. You think to yourself for certain.

But when you look out the window you also see that they are not wrong. There is a layer of snow coating the garden lawn and dusting the flowers, the sky is so white that you can't see the surrounding mountains, the rain is still pelting and the wind looks like it's about to rip the rose bushes out of the ground. It looks absolutely freezing.

"The poor kids, we aren't even going to be able to take them out there to experience the snow at this rate." Peggy continues sadly.

"Hopefully it'll clear up over the next few days and you can get a chance to go out and play in it before you leave." Howard chimes in.

"Yeah. I'm sure we will be able to at some point. We still have a few days here." You agree.

"I want to go in the snow!" Isla pouts.

"Not in this weather you don't little one." Bucky remarks.

"Aww but it'll be fun!" She wines.

"You'll freeze or get blown away before you even get the chance to say the word fun." He continues.

It's always funny seeing him be a tough, stern dad. Although last night he had to go to rather extreme lengths for a serious reason.

You all grab some breakfast and sit down with the others. Finally, once you have all long finished eating and are just sitting there talking, Luke actually emerges much to your surprise.

He mopes into the dining room with his face to the ground and scuffs his feet as he walks, not making eye contact with everyone but seeming to make a lot of noise.

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