Chapter 90

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The shrill, high pitched, ear piercing screech of your kids is - for once - music to your ears. You haven't heard their voices in what feels like forever.

Bucky guides you in through the door to your home, a protective hand around your waist while Steve carries the twins in their carries.

Immediately you drop to your knees and burst into tears, embracing Luke, Isla and Theo as they come running up to you. They all wrap their little arms around you too and instantly you feel warm and a renewed energy comes over you.

You stay there for a minute before finally pulling away and taking them all in.

"Theo you've grown so much!" You whimper And cup his chubby cheeks in your hands.

He just giggles and looks up at you with bright eyes. "I missed you mummy!"

"I'm missed you too bubba." You smile and kisses his forehead.

"Mummy look at me I want to show you something I've been working on!" Isla squeals and breaks away from you.

"What is it love." You chuckle and watch as she starts to turn around clumsily in what you think is meant to be ballet pirouettes judging by the way she holds her hands extended above her head.

"I'm a ballerina!" She exclaims.

"Woah that's so good sweetie!" You gasp encouragingly.

"She's been dancing around the house so much lately, I don't know what's come over her. She's been saying she wants to get a tutu and do dance lessons." Peggy explains as she comes over to you, a warm smile on her face as you stand up and she squeezes you in a hug. "It's so good to see you." She whispers.

"You too." You sigh.

"Please mummy!? Pleeeeaaaase!" Isla comes back over to you and begs, jumping up and down.

"Isla calm down." Bucky chuckles. Maybe we can look into that once your mum is feeling a little better."

"Definitely." You nod before turning to Luke, but you stop short.

"Luke what happened to your cheek?" You frown as you brush a thumb over the graze on his right cheekbone and feel the hard lump, confirmed by a pale blue bruise.

"Nice to see you too mum." He remarks and you melt, bending down to hug him again.

"I'm sorry, I just get worried when I see you guys get hurt." You explain.

"Says the one who's been in hospital for the last two weeks." He points out and you laugh, kissing his forehead.

"Oh I missed you. But seriously, what happened? That looks nasty."

"O-oh. I fell off the monkey bars at school yesterday and hit my face on the ground, the graze is from the bark chips, he stutters but there is a strange look in his eyes which has me feeling like he's not telling the complete truth.

"Aw, that's no good. Just be careful next time." You pout, playing along with him because stress is the last thing you want to be dealing with on your first night home.

"Yes mum of course." He rolls his eyes but gives you a cheeky grin.

"You guys feeling like some dinner? I've made up some roast veges and a beef stew." Peggy asks.

"Mmm sounds delicious Peg." Bucky groans.

"I can't wait, but I might just go get the twins set up in their room and feed them so they are hopefully asleep for us to enjoy our meal in peace." You sigh.

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