Chapter 2

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Bucky holds your hair back out of your face and rubs your back soothingly as you crouch over the toilet trying to get yourself back together. This is the third time tonight that you've thrown up and your absolutely exhausted.

Bucky doesn't need to get up, but he always does no matter how quiet you try to be.

"I'm sorry to do this to you again Buck." You gasp as you lean back and rest the back of your head against his chest where the two of you now sit on the bathroom floor.

"It's okay. It's the least I can do for you with what you're going through." He mumbles tiredly.

"Yeah but it's not your fault." You point out. "You shouldn't have to do this, it's affecting your sleep, your school, your work, even your social life. Go back to bed and get some rest. I'm okay."

"You're the one that needs some rest if anything doll!" He chuckles. "Do you want me to tell the school that you've got the flu again?"

"No no, that'll seem too suspicious, we said I had the flu just last week on that day I was real bad. I'm okay, I'll come to school today." You huff.

"You sure?" He frowns and looks down at you.

"Mhm." You nod. "Now go back to bed."

"Okay, but just take it easy." He says wearily.


"What are we going to tell everyone?" You exclaim as you pace the room.

"I don't know?" Bucky says frantically back and runs a hand through his hair from where he sits on the couch. "Can't you just keep hiding it?"

"No! It's getting too big to hide under baggy jersey or floaty dresses now!" You say. "See?"

You turn sideways and pull at your dress so that it goes tight around your middle, showing off the small bump that you are now starting to grow.

"I've been told twice now by my friends that I'm looking like I've gained weight or gotten fat." You say sadly.

"Okay, okay, first of all you are not fat." Bucky says soothingly as he stands up and walks towards you, placing his hands on your belly. "You are pregnant, that's a pretty decent excuse if you ask me." He chuckles with a smile. "And secondly I'll cover for you. Say that you got a deathly bad case of pneumonia. No one will want to come visit you and risk getting sick. And besides, schools only in for another month and then we'll be done so you can just pretend to be sick for the rest of the year. It'll make sense, these last few months you've supposedly been pretty crook anyway so I guess it kind of wouldn't seem that strange."

"Thank you Buck." You sigh and hug him. "For everything."

"It's okay doll." He sighs and kisses the top of your head while rubbing your back. "Anything for you."


There wasn't even a knock on the door. You weren't expecting him. Yet here you are, standing in shock in the middle of Bucky's apartment while Steve just stares at your protruding belly with his jaw dropped open.

Bucky stands off to the side and runs a hand down his face in stress.

"W-what is happening?" Steve says cautiously.

"Steve, please don't freak." You say sheepishly.

"How can I not freak right now?!" He exclaims.

"Alright just calm down and let us explain." Bucky finally butts in. "But first, haven't you ever heard of knocking?"

"Well I didn't think to when it never used to be a problem!" Steve says exasperatedly.

"Good point." Bucky shrugs.

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