Chapter 83

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You didn't really think about the fact that normally on Christmas morning the kids come running into your room bright and early not what you would do if they did so this time only to find Bucky back; you're still getting over the shock of that yourself. But when you wake up to see light peaking through the curtains on Christmas morning you guess you got lucky this year and they either slept in or preoccupied themselves with already opening presents.

In saying that things have been very different this year so maybe that's another thing that's changed and the kids are just going to wait for you to get up now. You hope not, you enjoy it when they come running in with huge grins and jump on the bed squealing excitedly. But perhaps just this once it won't be a bad thing.

You yawn and stretch, your back aching. You're still wrapped up in Bucky's arms and it feels so good.

"Morning." You hear him mumble, his voice thick with sleep and still croaky from being sick.

You smile as you look up at him to see him staring down at you drearily.

"Hey, how long have you been awake?" You whisper.

"Not long." He shrugs. "Did you sleep well?"

"Once I got to sleep." You nod. "You?"

He nods too. "It's so good to be back."

"It's so good to have you back." You agree.

"Oh, Merry Christmas by the way." He grins.

"You too." You chuckle. "How are you feeling?"

"Honestly so much better. Just like I've got a bit of a head cold now," he explains.

Relief washes over you.

"That's good I was worried for a second there." You sigh. "Maybe all it took was a little coaxing because you were just so run down and now you're abilities are helping you get better properly again. You should still take it easy for a while though."

For a second he looks like he's keeping something to himself or a thought crosses his mind. He smiles to himself before leaning down to kiss the top of your head.


"You need to stop worrying so much darling." He jokes. "I'll be okay. I can look after myself, that's what I've been doing lately isn't it?"

He realises what he said the minute it leaves his lips.

"Yeah and look where it got you." You point out.

"Okay. Bad example." He laughs.

The two of you let out a little chuckle and just look into each others eyes. It's so good to see his beautiful blue orbs again, looking much more alight today. Unable to help yourself and sure that you're safe to do so now you lean up and press a gentle kiss to his lips. It lingers for a while but is nothing too intense before you pull away.

My god you forgot how amazing he tastes and how good at kissing he is.

You stare at each other, stunned for a second but then he breaks into a grin.

"Don't blame me if you get sick now." He teases.

You just roll your eyes. "I'm going to go see where the kids are now so how are we going to do this? Should we make it a surprise?"

"It's going to be a surprise no matter what." He points out.

"True." You huff. "Did you want to come get them up?"

"Why don't you wake them up and get them out to by the Christmas tree and then come get me?" He suggests. "I'll wait here."

"Good idea." You grin. "Do you think you're up to getting out of bed?"

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