Chapter 52

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Unable to react since the children are right there, all you can do is clamp your hand over your mouth and stare at the table as you try and bite back a scream while Peggy watches you concernedly.

"Okay well, we know that he wrote this nearly two weeks ago so hopefully they will be back soon? Heck, for all we know they could be on their way back now," she points out trying to make you feel better.

"Yeah, yeah you're right." You nod and swallow the lump in your throat trying to stay positive.

Instinctively you place a hand on your belly. What are you going to do if your children's father stays this way forever?

"Now." She clears her throat. "Lets try stay positive. Bucky's a strong willed guy. He's still in there somewhere and with a little help I'm sure he'll fight his way back out. But what did Luke say that put you in a good frame of mind? Lets just focus on that aye?"

"Oh it was so sweet." You smile wryly. "I told him about the baby and Theo's lost twin and do you know what he said?" You say quietly so that Isla doesn't hear.

"What?" Peggy asks.

"That this is his twins second chance." You smile happily, the thought almost bringing a bittersweet tear to your eye.

Peggy's face absolutely melts and she just looks like a puppy dog.

"Aw that's the most adorable thing I've ever heard!" She wines.

"He's dealing with everything really well." You nod. "Better than me that's for sure."

"Lets just hope things will look up soon." She sighs.


That afternoon you tell Luke the update. He takes it just as badly as you did. It's like since it's been confirmed all of your guys left over hopes that he will actually be okay are shattered.

"Mum, if we never get dad back, at least the baby can be a special reminder of him. Like the last gift he gave us," he says sadly.

Although you're not sure if he means get Bucky back physically or mentally or both.

"Exactly Luke." You huff as you hug him tightly. "It's meant to be."


Peggy was on to something when she said they could be back soon. Four days later you get a phone call from Peggy at 2am in the morning. Of course you pick up, knowing it can only be one thing at that time of the morning.

"You need to come down here right now," she says seriously. "Steve's back and he's got Bucky. I'm picking you up right now and then I'll come back to your house and stay with the kids and make up an excuse if they wake up."

"Bu-" you start all flustered.

"No buts. You need to see this as much as you possibly don't want to," she insists.

"What about you? What about Sarah?" You ask all freaked out.

"I'll bring her with me," she says. "Be ready in ten minutes."

You're ready in two. All you do is throw on yesterday's clothes and pull your hair up into a ponytail before literally standing outside the door in nervous anticipation.

You're not sure whether it's your nerves or the morning sickness but you feel like you're going to throw up. You jiggle around nervously, questions running through your head at a million miles an hour.

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