Chapter 8

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One Month Later:

You and Bucky have been trying for a baby for a month now and there hasn't been any luck so far.

It's upsetting for both of you. You both want a second child so bad by now and you have gotten your hopes so high.

Of course Bucky is blaming himself. You've had a baby before perfectly fine but now that he's in the mix of it you can't. So it must be his fault right?

At least, that's what he thinks. But you refuse to let him.

However it doesn't make him feel any better. He still mopes around and constantly apologises to you even though he doesn't need to.

"Bucky you can stop saying that, it's a team effort." You huff from where you sit cross legged on the bed.

"Yeah but maybe I'm not playing my part properly." He mumbles as he does up his tie in the mirror.

"Don't be silly Bucky. You want a baby just as much as I do if not more." You reason.

"Then why aren't you getting pregnant?" He exclaims frustratedly as he can't get his tie.

"Here, let me do it." You sigh and walk over to him. "Sometimes these things happen and you don't get what you want. We aren't the only ones who struggle. It's okay, we will just keep trying." You whisper as you look up at him through your eyelashes, standing right underneath his chin as you do up his tie.

"But I'm tired of trying. I just Wang another child our very own." He wines.

"Buck, I'm talking about doing up your tie." You joke, trying to lighten the mood.

"Oh." He mutters.

"I'm just kidding, sorry. Carry on." You chuckle.

"But what if it doesn't work. What if we keep trying and trying and nothing happens." He pouts stressfully and says in a low, rumbling voice.

"It will. Just have faith!" You say quietly. "There, all done." You add, letting go of his tie.

"Thanks doll." He sighs and gives you a sad smile.

"Have a good day at work." You smile before going up on your tip toes to peck him on the lips.

He hugs you before picking up his briefcase, going to say goodbye to Luke and leaving.

That afternoon you are not expecting what happens. You are far from prepared for it. Didn't even think about it. Don't know how to explain it to Luke.

Bucky bursts through the door and immediately you can tell something is wrong.

"Bucky?" You frown as he paces to your guys room, straight past you and Luke unlike normal, running a hand through his hair with a worried look on his face. "Bucky what's wrong?" You say again with terror rising in your voice as you follow him.

"Doll can I talk to you for a minute?" He asks in a serious, low voice. "Alone." He adds nodding towards Luke.

"Sure." You say unsurely, thinking that it must be about a baby again. "Luke stay here I'll be back in a second."

"Okay mummy." He says and grins obliviously while continuing to play with his toys.

"Bucky, what's is it?" You ask slightly frustrated as you close the door. "If this is about a baby again I-"

You stop dead in your tracks when you turn around to see Bucky standing at the edge of the bed, his eyes visibly brimming with tears and his hands trembling as he holds out a piece of paper for you.

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