Chapter 53

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Your stomach churns with adrenalin. You ache to see him so bad. Yet you are terrified. So terrified. Of everything. Terrified that he won't look the same. Terrified that he won't act the same. Terrified that you won't recognise him... or even worse terrified that you won't know him anymore. Needless to say he's a changed man. But the one thing you're not terrified of that probably everyone else is? You're not terrified that he will lash out and hurt you. Because you know he wouldn't do that. Anything that he ideally needs to be told right now - i.e that you're pregnant - doesn't matter, you just want to see him.

Steve leads you further down the corridor until you get to a sealed door at the end. He knocks in an odd pattern and waits patiently, it's obviously some sort of code.

"It's for safety and security," he explains sheepishly. "I know what you're thinking and I agree too," he adds before you even have a chance to roll your eyes.

A guard opens the door a bit and looks you both up and down to see who you are.

"She wants to see him," Steve explains tiredly. "Is it safe?" You can tell he's fed up with all of this.

"Well he hasn't shown any signs of aggression since we brought him in but I'm still not so sure it's safe-" he starts.

"Yeah? And I'm still not so sure that all of this ridiculous surveillance is necessary. He's not a wild, caged animal you know? He's a human being. A good man." You mock the guard before shoving your way past him.

You find yourself entering a dark room but there is another door with a small window that has light leaking in through it.

"He's in there." The guard points to the door.

Your heart skips a beat.

"Look, I know you are dying to see him but why don't I go in first just to be safe and you can come in in a minute?" Steve suggests quietly.

"Okay." You nod and watch as he opens the door and steps into the room.

It's eerily quiet.

Although you easily have the option to look in the little window you can't bring yourself to. You feel sick.

It's only about two minutes before Steve opens the door for you to come in it feels like forever. You're about to go in when to your surprise he slips out and closes the door behind him. You didn't realise you were so desperate to see him until you reach for the door and wine like a disappointed little kid, looking at Steve confused as he holds you back.

"He doesn't want to see you," he says gravely.

"What?" You whimper, your heart smashing to the floor.

"I think he's ashamed. He's embarrassed of what you'll think of him." He huffs.

"Oh my god what? No! I'd never think of him that way! How could he ever think that? I'm going in right now," you exclaim sadly.

"Okay, but just beware, he's not in a good place. I'll stand just inside the door to make sure everything's okay but if you want me to go just say," he says tiredly.

"Thanks Steve." You smile timidly before he holds the door open for you and you slip inside.

You weren't sure what was going to happen when you saw him, it kind of depended on him. You didn't know whether you'd be shocked into just standing there staring at him. But luckily you had prepared yourself for the probability that it would not be some kind of fairy tail reunion where you ran into each others arms and cried tears of joy, because it is far from that.

There he is. Right there. He is sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, his hands tied behind his back, his head hanging, and he looks so different that you don't think it's him at first.

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