Chapter 73

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A/N: The parts with ** around them are meant to be in Russian.
Also sorry about all the different point of views.

The Winter Soldier's POV:

They pin me down as I fight back, grunting and squirming. But there's one of them leaning individually on each of my arms and legs. I'm strong enough to fight them off, I know I am, but even though I don't know - or at least can't remember - who these men are right now something inside me is telling me to obey them, that they are right. Plus I'm too weak to put up a decent fight.

But then one of them leans down by my ear and starts menacingly, slowly whispering some words. And as soon as he does so it all starts to click into place. It doesn't matter that the words don't form a sentence or make sense, because now everything else becomes clear.

*Longing, rusted, seventeen, daybreak, furnace, nine, benign, homecoming, one, freight car,* He mutters. *Soldier?*

Suddenly I'm jolted before I have the chance to answer and I look up to see a lady in front of me. A lady? Where did she come from? Just a second ago I was with my handlers.

Out of instinct I look around and asses the situation and my surroundings before acting out.

Where are we? What is this place? Am I in danger? She took me from my handlers. She brought me to this strange place. She stopped me from fulfilling my purpose. Therefore she must be a threat. My handlers will hurt me for not answering them and that's probably what she wants.

She's so in my face and touching me. I don't like it so I flinch away. She's talking to me about nonsense. Who is Bucky? What does she mean?

Wait. There's something familiar about her. Do I know her? Is she one of my other handlers? No. She can't be. Why would she be doing this to me then. Even if she is a handler she's annoying me and I don't like it. I can feel the anger and frustration building up already.

I must stop her but to do that I have to outsmart her. So as she starts to lead me off somewhere new - another thing I don't like - I let her do so, thinking she has my trust. But then when she stops for just a second I take the chance and reach for her throat. She turns around just in time for me to see her face to face. Good, that means that I can look her in the eyes while I kill her.

I clamp my metal hand around her throat and hold on tightly.

Your POV:

"Bu-" You gasp weakly, already unable to hardly speak or draw even a slither of a breath in just a mere matter of seconds. "Bu-cky, st-st-op." You manage to choke out.

His face registers no recognition whatsoever, he doesn't even seem to acknowledge that you're saying something. Instead he just lifts you up off the ground making the situation ten times worse, with just the pure strength of his metal arm and marches forward until he slams you against the wall.

"Ah!" You manage to let out a pained cry as he does so.

Now your head pounds and your throat feels like it's going to collapse from how hard he is squeezing it. Already the room is spinning and your vision is going black and fuzzy at the corners.

He uses the wall as leverage to press down even harder and somehow you make some kind of strangled cat sounding noise and try to swallow, desperate for oxygen, but none comes.

This is how I'm going to die, you find yourself thinking, certain that there's no way out. I'm going to be killed by my husband - no, not my husband - and then who knows what'll happen to him, my kids will probably find me and my baby will die. This is it.

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