Chapter 6

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6 Years Later:

"Sorry girls, I've gotta go pick up Luke from school now." You sigh as you undo your apron and hang it up on your hook.

"No problem, see you tomorrow (Y/N/N)." One of the other waitresses smiles as she walks past you with a plate of fries.

You clock out and head down the road to the local school to pick Luke up. Your just walking in the gate when the bell rings and it only takes a few seconds for your little boy to come running out of class with his backpack on.

"Mummy!" He squeals and leaps into your arms.

"Hey baby!" You chuckle and lift him up onto your hip. "How was school?"

"Good! Me and Benny managed to swing all the way across the monkey bars today!" He beams excitedly.

"Wow that's amazing!" You gasp.

"Can I show you now?" He asks hopefully.

"I'd love to see honey but we've got to get you home and fed for when grandma comes to look after you sorry. Remember me and dad are going out tonight?" You say.

"Oh yeah. Can I show you tomorrow?" He asks a little bummed.

"Of course you can sweetie." You smile as you put him down, take his hand and start to walk home. "Are you excited to see grandma?"

"Yeah, is grandad coming too?" He asks.

"Maybe, I'm not sure." You shrug.

Over the last few years you have managed to make up with your parents somewhat and come to an agreement. They have been good and helped out with Luke when it's needed.

You walk home with him and watch in happiness as he skips ahead. He is honestly the best thing that has ever happened to you. You don't know what you'd be doing without him in your life right now. Although Bucky is not his real father you would think otherwise. Besides his looks, he seems to have learnt so much off Bucky. His humour, his cute little giggle, his lopsided grin, his interest in science.

Bucky has literally treated him as if he is his own. Luke is the apple of his eye. He spoils him so much and spends all of his spare time that he isn't spending with you with him. Luke and Bucky are not just like father and son but like best friends and it is so cute.

Through all the years you've known Bucky, you never ever thought of him as the type to necessarily like children but he has surprised you so much in the way that he just can't get enough of Luke. He used to always seem too interested in girls and parties but that night you turned up on his doorstep he changed so much and now he is so family orientated.

So much so that he even decided not to sign up for the war that started a few years ago now so that he could stay home and help look after Luke.

Speaking of Bucky, you and him have never been closer. You got engaged when Luke was three and married when he was five, that was a year ago now and you just seem to fall more in love with Bucky every day. He still always manages to do something that impresses you and you never get sick of each other.

Together, the two of you have managed to create a fairly good life for yourselves. You wouldn't say you're well off but you have more than enough money to get by now that both of you have a job.

Tonight, you and Bucky are going out for dinner to celebrate your one year wedding anniversary and your mum is coming over to look after Luke. Your dad hasn't been too well lately so you're not sure that he will come. Although you are not as close as you used to be you are still worried about him.

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