Chapter 3

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"Shit are you sure?!" Bucky gasps and runs over to you.

"Yep." You squeak and nod frantically.

"Oh god. Okay. Stay calm I'll call the midwife." He says, breathing heavily.

"Bucky please don't freak out." You whimper.

"Right, sorry." He nods before grabbing the phone.

Suddenly a massive pain twists inside you and you can't help but cry out.

"Ahhhh!" You scream.

"What? What is it?" Bucky yells dropping the phone in fright.

His face is absolutely full of terror.

"It's just a contraction now just call!" You shout frantically and start to pace around as best you can.

You don't really listen to the conversation but the minute that he puts the phone down the questions start from both ends.

"When is she coming?" You ask hurriedly.

"She will be here in 10 minutes." He says as he slowly walks over to you. "Are you okay?" He asks and places one hand on your shoulder and one hand on your belly.

"Mhm, I'm fine. I'm okay." You huff and nod, breathing slowly trying to stay calm and convince yourself.

"Yes that's it. You can do this." He says looking at you seriously.

"I can do this." You nod. "I can do this."

Suddenly a pain even bigger than the last time envelopes you.

"Nnnn, oh god. Bucky! I can't do this!" You cry and screw up your face in agony.

If it wasn't for him holding your shoulders you probably would've crumpled over in pain.

"Shh, no. You're okay. You'll get through this. You can do it and you will do it." He says firmly. "I believe in you (Y/N)."

You look up at him and even though the pain is subsiding you start to cry. You're just so freaked out.

"What did the midwife say to do?" You mumble into his shoulder as he hugs you.

"Get you into bed." He says. "So let's do that."

You nod and slowly follow him to your room, holding your belly. He walks with you and holds your back, supporting you the whole way.

"Towels." You state.

"What?" He frowns at first but then looks at you. "Oh. Right."

He leaves you in your room and quickly runs to the water closet to get some towels.

"Sorry if I'm about to make a mess of all your stuff." You whimper as he comes back to you.

"Doll it's fine." He chuckles. "You can't help it."

After laying them out he gets you into the bed just in time for the midwife to arrive. While she goes about her business Bucky can't help but pace the room nervously, running his hands through his hair and biting his fingernails.

"Sir would you please be able to get me a cold cloth?" The midwife asks after a while.

Bucky nods without saying a word and runs out, returning quickly with a damp face cloth. He does as the nurse says and wipes it across your forehead to try and sooth you somewhat.

You feel really bad for him. He's so freaked out and out of his depth and all he's trying to do is help and all you can do in reply to him is grunt and pant and scream and occasionally snap at him because you're just in too much pain to give a civil answer.

"Now tell me, because I've always wondered. Is Bucky the father?" The midwife suddenly asks.

"No." You gasp and swallow for air trying to stay calm through the pain of another contraction.

"I-it's a long story." Bucky elaborates sheepishly.

Eventually once you get further along Bucky leaves and goes and waits outside nervously. He's so worried and can't stop thinking about you and all he does is literally sit right outside your door against the wall and wait all night without even sleeping.


Tiredly, you smile down at the beautiful little bundle in your arms. Your gorgeous baby boy.

Bucky was right. The minute you had him in your arms all the pain, all the worrying, all the drama was all forgotten and worth it. Already you love him more than anything you could ever imagine.

You watch him in amazement as he stirs and shifts a little in the towel that he is wrapped up in, screwing up his face adorably and making a tiny faint little noise. He's sleeping so he doesn't open his eyes but earlier you saw that the were such a beautiful soft grey colour.

You just can't take your eyes off of him.

"I'll go get James." The midwife smiles quietly at you.

You nod but don't look up to see her leave.

After a few minutes there is a soft knock on your door.

"Come in." You call quietly.

The door squeaks open a fraction and you finally look up to see Bucky's face peering in and looking down at you in wonder.

"Come, look." You whisper and break out into a smile.

He smiles excitedly and hurriedly tiptoes over to the bed and crouches beside you. You hold the tiny baby in your arms so that he can get a good look.

"Oh wow." He gasps as his jaw drops open.

He looks at the little bundle in amazement and reaches up a shaking finger to stroke his cheek.

"So it's a boy?" He mumbles.

"Mhm." You nod smiling.

"Oh (Y/N), he's absolutely amazing. He's perfect." He beams, not taking his eyes off the little baby.

"Isn't he?" You giggle softly.

"What are you going to call him then?" He asks.

"Luke." You say.

"Luke. I like it. It suits him already." Bucky smiles happily.

"Do you want to hold him?" You ask softly.

For the second time in five minutes Bucky looks gob smacked.

"Y-yes! I'd love to!" He exclaims.

You laugh quietly as you carefully hand over Luke.

"Luke! Go meet your godfather. This is Bucky. He's going to be amazing with you and I'm sure he'll love you just as much as I do." You whisper feeling so happy.

Bucky draws in a nervous breath as he takes him and holds him as if he might drop him.

The baby stirs a little and gives a small cry. Bucky looks absolutely terrified but soon he settles back down and Bucky seems to relax too.

"Careful." You chuckle. "Support his head."

"See, I told you you'd be a good mother." He smirks at you.

You can't help but laugh softly.

Bucky does exactly as you say, soaking up everything that he has to do and does it just right. It's at this moment that you realise that you can't wait for him to be apart of your baby's life.

Then you remember something else.

"Oh and Buck. One more thing." You say.

"Hm?" He hums as he looks up from his trance on Luke who's got a tiny hand reaching up to touch Bucky's face.

"About what you were saying yesterday. I'd love to give us a try." You smile.

Bucky's face lights up even more if that's even possible and a huge grin spreads across his lips.

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