Chapter 15

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Talk about an emotional roller coaster. One day you were at Bucky's memorial service crying your eyes out, believing that your life would never be the same again now that he's gone and now... Well, now you guess it'll never be the same again too. But the thing is, he's not gone.

Two days after the memorial you got an urgent letter saying that they had found Bucky. Not only that, but he was alive. Badly injured, but alive. Yep he had survived a fall of over a hundred metres. In the following weeks to come a lady called Peggy Carter got into contact with you and told you everything.

Turns out that some soldiers who didn't disclose who they were had stumbled upon his unconscious body at the bottom of the cliff in the shallows of a river and when they realised that he was a Howling Commando they took advantage of it. They set up a ransom of $1000 for Bucky and if the U.S. Army didn't pay up within 48 hours they would 'do something that would greatly disadvantage the Americans' and in the mean time they were going to get all the information they could out of him.

So time was of the essence. They didn't know who these people were or how serious they were, they didn't know what that disadvantage was. It could be anything and who knows when it would come into affect? And to make matters worse they didn't have that kind of money. Plus they didn't know what they could do to Bucky while they had him.

Of course Bucky kept his mouth shut and didn't give them anything and of course the whole of the U.S. Army was scrambling to get all the money they had in order to get back Captain America's best friend. So they set up a place and time to meet to do an exchange. But when they got there there were no other people, just Bucky lying barely conscious, propped up against the wall with his mouth gagged and a safe-like box next to him with a note saying 'leave the money in here'.

Thankfully they had managed to get Bucky back in one piece but he was in a very bad way. Bloodied, bruised, battered, and barely conscious. He was taken straight to a state of the art army hospital immediately to undergo critical treatment.

It all happened so quickly that no one had time to tell Steve who was away on arguably the most important mission of the war.

Unfortunately he had to crash his plane in the middle of no where but luckily he gave Peggy his coordinates before he went down so they found the aircraft very quickly and out of pure coincidence Steve had survived his crash as well.

So after months of recovery the two soldiers were finally on their way home now. Peggy told you to expect the unexpected and that there was still a lot of stuff that Bucky had to tell you in person that couldn't be risked through letters and phone calls.

You will never forget when you got your first letter from Bucky since his supposed death. Even though you had already found out that he was alive you burst out crying tears of joy to have something to prove that this really was real. It wasn't a dream. He was going to come home eventually.

He was ironically light hearted and positive about the whole ordeal. Although, he was very brief and barely touched on the subject of his injuries, how he survived, anything to do with the Howlies and where he was sent to recuperate. So you just assumed that that had to do with what Peggy said he had to tell you in person, whatever that could be.

Telling the kids was a whole different drama in itself. Luke, although shocked, was probably the happiest person alive but Isla who had just had it drummed into her head that she wont ever get to meet the mysterious man who is her father was and still is extremely confused now that he's coming home.

It's been about a month since that whole surprise and that is pretty much how you came to be standing on the platform of the train station with a huge crowd of people behind you in the barricaded off area.

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