Chapter 55

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You walk up the steps to your home while it's still dark outside, Steve guiding you. You feel absolutely defeated. You're head dipped, your shoulders slumped, your eyes itchy and tired from crying so much. You're praying that the kids aren't up because the last thing you want to do is deal with questions and make up an excuse. You're tired of lying, lying about everything. They're going to find out eventually anyway. However you also want a chance to sleep for a bit longer.

Quietly the two of you head inside and click the door shut behind you to find Peggy asleep in the lounge, wrapped up in a blanket on the couch.

"You head on to bed, I'll wake Peggy and we will go. I get that the last thing you want right now is us in your hair," Steve whispers.

As bad as you feel you just nod.

"Thanks Steve." You mumble and do exactly what he said, flopping down on your bed both physically and emotionally absolutely sapped.

However this doesn't mean you sleep. You just cannot stop thinking about Bucky and what just happened and you're getting frustrated at yourself because you feel mad at him when you shouldn't because he's got every right to feel the way he does but then again why should he take it out on you?

After tossing and turning for another hour or so you hear Theo crying and are actually thankful that you can get up and be distracted. You drag yourself to your room and sigh as you pick him up and prop him on your hip.

"Morning little boy." You smile as happily as you can at him.

"M-m-m," he stutters, seeming to try and get something out.

"What is it baby?" You ask him encouragingly.

He's already said words like mama and dada, again showing signs of advancement because of his enhanced abilities.

"M-m," he continues.

"Morning?" You try, saying it slowly. "Theo can you say good morning for me?"

"Mo-mo-ning. Mo-ning," he finally gets out.

Not perfect, but close.

"Oh! Good boy! Yay Theo!" You exclaim, feeling the happiest you've felt in so long, a familiar sense of pride dawning on you that still feels as special as it did with Luke and Isla.

He grins proudly, knowing he did well and claps his hands together.

"Mo-ning mama!" He shouts excitedly and points at you, his tears forgotten.

He spoke. At just six months old.

"Oh Theo I'm so proud of you! Who's such a big boy now!" You beam.

"Me?" He asks, frowning and points to himself.

"Yes you!" You nod eagerly.

"Yay! Yay! Yay!" He yells and wriggles around. "Me big!"

"Shhhh." You chuckle. "Don't wake your brother and sister."

"Sssowy." He manages to get out and pouts and quietens down.

"Sorry?" You ask him, quirking an eyebrow. "Did you just say sorry too?"

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