Chapter 42

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You take Isla and Theo and go sit out the front with Peggy and Steve and Sarah for a while. You fill them in on how Bucky was and what you know so far and Steve tells you what he can about the mission and how Bucky was fighting off an opponent with no defenses or weapons while the other guy had a knife. Bucky actually had the upper hand, had him pinned up against a wall but the bad guy must've managed to pry his hand out from between him and Bucky and sneakily stabbed him in the side before he could even realise what was happening. But he didn't just stab, he ripped the knife down too which accounts for the length of the wound.

Isla stays quiet and relatively close to you the whole time and Theo just naps in your lap. Isla seems a bit happier now that she's seen her dad but she can still tell that something's up.

"Mummy?" She asks after a while.

"Yeah sweetie?"

"What are the doctors going to do to daddy? Are they going to hurt him?"
She asks worriedly.

"They're going to stitch his cut up so that it gets better quicker. It might hurt a little but it's what has to be done." You offer her a small smile.

"Oh, okay." She frowns looking a little confused and concerned.

You look at the clock on the wall. "I wonder how long they're going to be. I have to go get Luke soon." You huff.

"I'd say it'll be a while. If you need to go get Luke we can watch these two again and keep an eye on everything to do with Bucky. We have to hang around here all afternoon anyway for damage control and all that jazz," Steve offers kindly.

"Are you sure? That would be amazing," you ask guiltily.

"Positive." Peggy smiles.

"I seriously owe you guys big time. But I'll take Theo with me just because I don't know how he'll feel about being away from me for that long." You sigh.

"Don't even worry (Y/N). What your going through right now is awful. The least we can do is help out with the kids," Steve insists.

"Thank you so much guys," you say as you stand up with Theo. "Isla baby girl, I'm just going to pick up your brother from school. Aunty Peggy and Uncle Steve are going to look after you so be a good girl now and I'll be back soon."

"Okay mummy. Please be quick." She smiles weakly.

"I promise I will be sweetie. Now cheer up, everything will be alright and I hate seeing you sad," you try to encourage her although you know you feel exactly how she looks and is acting.

You plant a kiss on her forehead before heading off.


Luke's a smart kid. A thoughtful, observant kid too. Especially for his age. So much so that you don't even have to say a word and he can tell something's up.

You try to put on your usual smile and bounce Theo on your hip happily when you see Luke jogging out of class towards you waiting at the gate, beaming with his backpack buckles done up tightly across his chest while he hooks his thumbs through the straps and looks all cute. But he hesitates as he comes towards you and stops just in front of you rather than running up and hugging you like he normally would.

Maybe it's the way your smile falters and your lips tremble no matter how much you try to look straight. Maybe he can see it in your eyes. But he knows. Straight. Away. He knows.

"Mum?" He asks concerned. "What's wrong?"

"Dads home," you try to say cheerily but even you can tell that it sounds false.

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