Chapter 4

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You stand in the kitchen holding Luke propped up on your hip as you make a cup of coffee.

Absentmindedly you think about how much your life has changed over the last year.

Of course people have found out and yeah there have been mixed reactions but to be honest you don't care anymore. Now that you have your little Luke he's all that matters to you.

He's three months old now and you couldn't possibly love him anymore. He's perfect and gorgeous. With tufty blonde hair and big blue eyes and a smile that he seems to have learnt off of Bucky.

Bucky has been so good to him too. Taken him in like his own child and done so much for him, treated him like a little prince pretty much. It's clear that he loves him and Luke's taken a liking to him too. Bucky's been such a big help for you. You don't know how you'd cope without him.


Loud crying wakes you up in the middle of the night.

You groan as you role over. This has got to be like the fifth time tonight already.

"Mm, your turn." You groan as you feel Bucky stir.

"Aw but it was my turn last time!" He mumbles and wines.

"Oh, right." You sigh but just as you go to sit up he pushes you back down.

"I'm just kidding doll, it's fine. Go back to sleep." He whispers and kisses your forehead before getting up and tending to Luke.


Speak of the devil suddenly you feel a hand on your waist and then a kiss being pressed to your cheek. But as quick as you felt it he's gone and moved on to Luke, showering his face with kisses causing him to erupt into a fit of giggles.

You smile at the two of them and let Bucky take him off of you to hold him.

"Hey little man! How are you?" He coos as he looks down at the little baby in his arms, then he turns his attention to you. "Evening beautiful. How was your day?" He smiles at you.

"Good! He's been very good today haven't you aye Luke?" You say and start to use a baby voice as you talk to him.

"Well that's a good boy isn't it!" Bucky exclaims and tickles his chin.

"How was work?" You ask laughing lightly at your favourite two boys.

"Good, we got a big shipment in today so there was a lot of work to do." He sighs tiredly.

After school finished he managed to get a job working at the docks and although you keep promising that you'll get one once Luke's a bit older he insists that you shouldn't worry about it.

"You go sit down, I'll make you a coffee and get you something to eat." You say.

"Thanks doll." He sighs and walks over to the couch with Luke.

You set about making another coffee and a sandwich for Bucky and take it over to him. You stop and watch, filled with happiness as you see Bucky lying on the ground holding Luke above him and playing with him and talking to him.

"Careful he doesn't throw up on you." You laugh.

Bucky looks up at you from where he is and smiles like a little kid.

"He wouldn't do that, he loves me too much." He grunts as he sits up and moves to the couch, sitting Luke on his lap. "Ain't that right Luke?"

You laugh and shake your head as you go over to him.

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