Chapter 30

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Sadness becomes hysteria. Passion becomes more intense. Love becomes even stronger.

Bucky's POV:

"Thanks for the lift man." I sigh as I hop out of the car just as the first rays of light are peaking through the dark.

"You sure you don't want to go get treated first?" Steve offers.

"No, I should check on these guys first." I shake my head.

I told him all about the fight while we were on our mission.

"Fair enough, do you at least want me to walk you in or something?"

"Thanks but no thanks, like I said I need to deal with this first and then I'll worry about getting patched up."

"Okay, see you later then, and make sure you do come by headquarters to get those cuts treated." He points at me.

"I will." I chuckle. "And you make sure you do the same."

"I'm dropping my bags off and heading straight there. I hope to see you there soon after. Good job by the way, we kicked that guys butt in the end." He smiles just before the car takes off with a toot of the horn.

I wave and watch it go but once it's out of sight I turn around and huff as I limp up the path. I've missed my family so much. I can't wait to see them again. I've just been ridden with guilt ever since I left.

After having time to think I know that I need to apologise to (Y/N). I was wrong and I made it even worse by reacting in the wrong way. She's got a lot on her plate right now with me and the kids and the pregnancy and I shouldn't have done that. I also should've realised that of course she's going to react all crazy, she's fricken pregnant. What did I expect? I don't know why I reacted that way.

I hobble inside, my body aching, throbbing and stiff, overcome with exhaustion from our busy, intense week. As I drop my mission bag at the door I roll my shoulders and neck and then head straight for our room thinking that everyone, including (Y/N) must be still asleep so that is where I'll find her.

As I get closer I see that the bathroom and bedroom lights are on and the doors are open a crack. I peek my head into the bathroom to see that she isn't there so assuming that she must be in the bedroom I start to talk before I've fully even entered.

"Oh good, you're up doll." I sigh as I push the door open fully.

However I stop dead in my tracks the second I see what is waiting for me in there. Nothing could've prepared me for anything close to this.

My beautiful wife, lying in a heap on the floor, unconscious and pale with a pool of blood between her legs.

My blood runs cold, my heart shatters, it's hard to breath, my head hurts, I feel numb. I basically loose control of my body and freeze.

I don't know what to do, I stand there in horror for a good few seconds before I finally come to my senses and start to breath and function properly again.

A cry escapes my lips.

How long has she been like this for?

"Oh my god." I whimper as I collapse to my knees and crawl over to her in a hurry. "(Y/N)? Honey?" I nudge her shoulder and gently tap her cheek as my eyes start to sting with tears and my cheeks flush hot. "Come on baby doll, wake up please." I choke out when there's no response.

I shake her shoulder a little harder but still nothing happens. I feel for her pulse to find that it is slow and shallow and see that her chest is rising slowly and infrequently.

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