Chapter 72

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If that anxiety attack leads to a flashback or something he could hurt you and he's even stronger when he gets that way and he could cause you a lot more harm than you him and he'd hate himself for it...

"Theo please just eat your lunch." You can't help but beg with him.

It sounds pathetic, you know, to be pleading with and wining at a baby but he's just not cooperating with you today. He won't eat his lunch, he cries at basically everything, he refused to go down for his morning nap which of course had made him ten times worse and to top it all off you didn't sleep well last night and aren't exactly in the best mood either for obvious reasons after what happened yesterday.

You know to expect these kinds of days with babies, in fact this is the usual for most kids, but not Theo. Generally he's a very good baby, he's hardly ever like this. Maybe his teeth are starting to come through or something but it's just too much for you to deal with today.

You left Bucky to sleep in this morning while you tended to the kids and sent Luke off to school and Isla to daycare because you could feel him tossing and turning last night so you figure he needs all the sleep he can get. Plus if he's awake he'll only be thinking about all the bad stuff, so sleeps probably better.

And it sounds awful but thank god it's one of the days where both Luke and Isla are away because you don't think you could deal with anyone else right now.

"Come on Theo! Just eat it! You love your mushed apples and honey normally," you exclaim at a lose and run a hand through your messy, tangled hair.

He just looks at you with teary eyes and grizzles before smacking the spoon out of your hand sending it flying across the floor and the food goes everywhere, including on himself and you leaving a big mess.

"No!" He shouts and scowls at you as he crosses his arms. "No! No! No apple!"

You groan and face palm before looking at him. You feel so stupid for letting a baby get the best of you but you just can't help it.

"Fine? You don't want to eat yet? Then go on your play mat. And you better not start wanting food while I'm cleaning up the mess you made because you won't be getting it until I'm free now." You huff sternly before picking him up and plopping him down on his mat.

Immediately his bottom lip starts trembling again and he lets out a cry.

"Ugh! What do you want from me Theo!?" You exclaim desperately.

He just shakes his head.

"I can't help you if you won't tell me what's wrong," you state.

Suddenly he points to your room. "Dadda."

"Yes daddy's in there but he's asleep right now, he can't play with you," you explain. "Is that what you want? Do you want to see Dadda?"

"Nope." He shakes his head again.

"Okay well then until you figure out what your problem is I'm going to start cleaning this place up." You huff exasperatedly and head over to the kitchen to find a damp cloth.

Just as you're on your hands and knees scrubbing at the apple and various other food that you tried to get him to eat on the floor your bedroom door opens and out walks a very bed headed, scruffy looking Bucky. He yawns and lets out a big stretch before looking around with a lazy smile on his face.

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