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The soft hum of the car engine filled the air as Wren and Sang cruised down the freeway towards Busan. With the concert venue looming in the distance, anticipation buzzed between them, a tangible energy that seemed to fill the car.

Wren had put on the outfit she'd bought and she was fiddling with the sparkly skirt when Sang glanced over at her, his expression thoughtful. "So, how did your parents take the news about you moving in with Jungkook?" he asked, his voice casual but tinged with curiosity. 

Wren shifted in her seat. Remembering the shocked look from both her parents when she'd told them earlier that day.  "Surprisingly well, actually," she replied, her tone reflective. "I think they were a bit taken aback at first, but once they saw how happy I was, they came around."

Sang sighed. "I'm so freaking jealous." 

"Ew, Sang. Shut up," Wren groaned playfully."Can we just pretend you don't have a major crush on my boyfriend?" 

"You and I both know I called dibs first." He said matter of factly, literally as the bands music played in the background. What was this life she was living? 

Wren laughed and rolled her eyes. "Fair point." 

"But I'll let you have him okay? You two seem made for each other." 

"Thank you I appreciate that," Wren grinned, loving that she could have these playful moments with her body guard once again. 

An hour later they approached the venue where the concert was to take place, and Wren's eyes widened in awe at the sight of the throngs of people gathered outside. The excitement in the air was palpable, the energy electric with anticipation.

"Wow," Sang remarked, stuck in some traffic as people honked back and forth. His voice filled with wonder as he surveyed the scene outside the car window. "It's packed out here."

Wren nodded in agreement, her heart fluttering with excitement at the prospect of seeing Jungkook perform live. Despite the chaos of the crowd, she felt a sense of calm wash over her as they pulled up to the gate.

Rolling down the window, Wren presented her backstage pass to the security guard, who inspected it with a practiced eye before nodding in approval and waving them through. With a grateful smile, Wren leaned back in her seat as Sang navigated through the maze of cars, eventually parking in a secure location away from the chaos of the main entrance.

Taking a deep breath, Wren glanced at herself in the rearview mirror, smoothing down her hair and adjusting her makeup.  

"Ready?" Sang asked. Wren nodded, excitement and nervousness running through her veins as she opened the car door and stepped out onto the pavement.  She followed Sang as they made way towards the "Employees Only" sign, they were immediately noticed by a group of crew members. One of the girls, with a headset and iPad in hand, stopped in her tracks as her eyes widened at the sight of Wren. Wren flushed a little, obviously Jungkook had alerted people that she was coming because she wasn't the only one looking at her with such curious awe-filled glances as she passed. 

"Wren?" The girl asked and Wren nodded to confirm. "Follow me." Without hesitation, the girl waved them over, leading them further backstage through the maze of corridors and bustling activity.

Eventually, they arrived at a more secluded area, akin to a dressing room with couches, and brightly lit vanity's where the members were getting their makeup and hair done. Wren's heart fluttered with excitement as she glanced around, taking in the organized chaos of the backstage area.

Amidst the chaos, Wren's attention was suddenly drawn to Jungkook, who was getting fitted for a mic nearby. A smile spread across her face as she watched him, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of him in his element.

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