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The inside of Daejeon Aura was like home to her. After nearly a month of being away from the club it was like breathing in new life to her body as she stepped into the musky atmosphere of her favorite fighting venue.

Sang stayed a couple feet behind her as they weaved through the crowd to the sign up booth. She was already wearing her mask and Sang had his hood high up over his head to conceal his face.

Wren was jostled and bumped by all the bystanders that were already drunk and wasted. They were watching a fight going down in the caged ring, everything fused with wild energy.

When she finally managed to get through to the sign up table she laid down 150,000 won.

"I want to be in the ring next," Wren demanded, and the man at the table who she knew to be the club owner, Joon Woo, looked up at her as if to reprimand her for her demand, but then he saw her mask, and recognition dawned.

"Nightingale. I was worried we'd seen the last of you. Glad you could make it tonight."

She gave a slight bow before slipping back through the crowd to get away from the chaos.

She entered the girl's locker room minutes later and quickly Sang helped her put on her outfit. All black tank top and shorts, and then her blue and black entrance robe. He helped tighten her mask and then handed her the tape and set of black boxing gloves from her bag. She got to work taping her fingers as fast as she could.

She could feel the anxiety rolling of Sang as he paced the tile floor. "I swear, if you get hurt tonight. . ."

"Is that what you're worried about? That I'll get a bruise and my parents will suspect I went outfighting?"

"That's exactly what I'm worried about!" Sang yelled, his voice raising. She felt bed for putting him into this situation, but knowing she was about to fight made her guilt ease a bit. She was a selfish being.

"Then I won't let him touch me," she said easily.

"You and I both know you can't guarantee that."

"Yes, I can." Wren looked up giving him a very serious look. "I usually let them hit me to make the fight more entertaining. But I don't have to let them."

"Are you joking right now, Wren?" Sang's face when pale as a ghost. "You let them hit you?"

She rolled her eyes. When he said it like that it really did make her sound insane.

Her name was called over these speaker system then, effectively saving her from the conversation.

"I've got to go. I'll meet you out in the alley once the fight is over."

"Wren. . ."

"Go, Sang. It will be faster if I meet you outside after the fight. Take my things, I"ll change in the car once it's over."

"You're insane, little bird," he said, shaking his head as he headed towards the back door that was their usual escape route.

"I know. But what's new?" She gave him a giant smile then slipped out of the locker room and back into the crowd again.

The bystanders parted for her as she emerged, a chorus of cheers greeting her. Her heart beat in her chest like a hummingbird's wings, the adrenaline in her blood fueling her limbs. She felt like she was on fire. This was the feeling she lived for.




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