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Wren looked at herself in the mirror Friday morning, examining the bruise on her cheek.

It was finally almost healed. The ugly yellow barely noticeable now. Wren still put some foundation on over it to conceal what was left of it, but she only needed a tiny dab.

She brushed on some blush, combed her eyelashes with some mascara, and then put some lipgloss on to finish the look. She wasn't a huge fan of makeup so less was more for Wren.

Throwing on a pair of lounge sweats Wren went to her desk and turned on her computer. When the web browser came up, she started to click on the website for her online tutoring, then stopped.

The sudden desire to google something else she'd been wondering about came over her, and she took the opportunity. Anything to avoid having to study.

Wren typed in the search bar: Apartments for rent near me.

Several listings popped up immediately and Wren clicked on the first one. It was a website for apartments and there were hundreds in Seoul.

"Woah," she said aloud, seeing the prices. They were a little more than Wren had anticipated they would be.

She decided to try cities closer to Seoul but not directly in the capitol city and she saw that the rent prices did lessen significantly.

Wren spent the next hour browsing rent listings, and day dreaming about the possibility of moving out on her own. What would it be like to have a place all to herself? Independent of her parents?

It honestly sounded like heaven. Wren longed for such freedom.

Sang had said she would need to find a job though to afford living on her own. She almost had her degree, so she could use that to try and find a normal day job to afford living expenses.

Or she could always fight. . .

Wren's eyes moved from her computer screen to the doors of her closet. Behind the closed doors she knew there was a box stuffed beneath some of her winter coats.

Her money from under ground fights.

Wren had honestly never counted the funds. Every time she did take money home from the fights, she stuffed it into the little shoe box and told herself one day she'd open it if she really needed the money, but that she'd only do it if it was truly an emergency.

Maybe she could use the funds for the first couple months of rent. . .

Wren immediately felt wrong about using the money though. It felt illegal. . .becuase it had been obtained illegally.

She sighed, shutting out of the web browser. She was just about to get back to her homework, knowing that she was procrastinating when her mother's voice came over the intercom.

"Wren, will you come down to your father's office for a moment?"

Wren resisted the temptation to groan and instead closed her laptop and headed down to her father's office. She could only hope her father wasn't forcing her to another one of his business meetings where she'd have to sit and shadow him. His meetings were the most boring things, she almost fell asleep every time.

When she opened the doors, her father was seated at his mahogany desk and her mother was sitting in one of the side chairs.

"Hey, sweetie. Can we talk to you for a second?" Her mother asked.

Wren took a seat at the other cushioned chair across from her father's desk, feeling a bit wary. Why did she get the feeling this 'talk' was a sudden ambush?

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