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Wren found herself in an unusual place the next morning. The savory smell of eggs and rice hit her senses and she couldn't remember the last time she'd woken up to someone else cooking breakfast. 

She opened and found that not only was the smell unusual, but her surroundings. She was lying on someone else's couch, a blanket wrapped around her. The place she was in was much tidier than hers and had the same layout as her apartment but everything was flipped. 

There was a bookshelf with lots of medical books and a sleek leather chair in the corner with a modern styled lamp. It took her a second but finally everything from the night before came rushing back to her and she remembered that she'd gotten drunk and Korain had picked her up from the fight club. She was pretty sure she'd passed out on the hood of her own car. 

With a gasp, Wren shot up looking around frantically as it all finally caught up to her. "Crap," she said, and that's when the headache hit. She groaned, an intense pain taking over the sides of her head and she reached up to cradle her throbbing skull. 

"Here, take this," suddenly he was there. Her neighbor, holding a glass of water and some pain relievers. 

"I'm sorry sorry about last night," Wren said, as she took the pain relievers and quickly swallowed them down. He was kneeling next to the couch, freshly showered and bright eyed. She could only imagine what she looked like in comparison. 

"I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty of driving us home in my car last night. I couldn't find your keys and so I just left the car in the alley." 

"Crap, my car." Wren groaned again, her head pounding. She was worried about her car but more than anything she felt stupid for the situation she'd put Korain in. "I'm sure the car's fine. I'm just so embarrassed you even had to come pick me up." 

Korain smiled, and didn't look the least bit upset about her previous nights behavior. "Don't be sorry, breakup drinking happens to the best of us." 

"You think I broke up with someone?" 

"Or got broken up with." He raised an eyebrow, still kneeling next to the couch by her. "Why else would you be drinking and then call me to come pick you up?"

"I didn't have a break up," Wren said, narrowing her eyes at him as she gave him back the now empty glass. 

"No?" He asked, his eyebrows raising. "You were mumbling a guy's name all night long and tossing and turning." 

Wren flushed and put her head in her hands again, running a hand through the tangle of knots that was her hair. 

"Gosh, I'm pathetic," 

"So how long were you two together?" 

"We weren't ever together," Wren said, looking up again to catch the curiosity in Korain's expression. His dark eyes were bright with intrigue. 

"But something was going on between you two?" 

"Maybe, I don't know. It ended before it could begin." 

He let out a sigh, his expression turning suddenly y serious. "Well, I'm sorry you had to go through that. But you know you can do a lot better right?" 

"You don't even know him," Wren said accusingly. 

"I don't need to." 

Korain stood up and went into the kitchen to dish up the rice and egg that he had been cooking on the stove. He brought Wren over a bowl and her mouth watered the moment she laid eyes on the food. But then a wave of nausea took over that she wasn't expecting, and she pushed the bowl back into his hands. 

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