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She was a little shocked she'd just admitted those words to him aloud, and he seemed just as surprised she'd returned the sentiment. His brown eyes looked at her, with uncertainty and hope all mixed in one. 

But before he could say anything in response, she continued on in her nervousness. 

"I think this whole time I've been scared to move forward with you and honestly going out with him was a way for me to try and cover up my fears. He was the safer alternative. . .but I think deep down I always knew I wasn't going to be content with that." 

Jungkook nodded, and moved his hands from her face back down to lay between them on the mattress. "Where did you meet him?"

"I moved in next to him. He was my neighbor when I was on the run."

"What's he like?"



"He's a med student."

"A med student?" his eyes widen. And then he curses under his breathe. "You've got to be kidding me—"

"I told you, I don't want to be with him."

He sighed and looked uncertain for a moment. "You're sure?"

She struggled on how to convince him of her sincerity. "Jungkook. I just told you I loved you back—" 

"I'm sorry, I worried I'd imagined that part up in my head where you just said you loved me too." His dark eyes were wide with a mix of emotions. Relief, happiness, maybe a twinge of anxiety. 

"I love you." she said it again, and repeating it was making it more real. She liked the way it sounded coming off her tongue. She'd never said those words anyone in her life. 

"I love you too," he leaned in to kiss her gently. 

The kiss was soft and warm, and reminded her of honey in a hot cup of tea. She reveled in the sensation of his soft lips pressed against hers. It was a sweet gentle kiss, different from the passionate wild ones they'd shared. And then he pulled back, and pressed his forehead to hers. 

"So what now?" 

"I don't know, I wasn't really expecting this today." 

"Me either." He admitted. 

"I guess I'm going to have to tell Korain that I'm not available anymore. And that I'm with someone else now." 

Jungkook turned onto his back and put an arm up to partly cover his face. "Gosh, I didn't know I could feel this happy." 

Her heart fluttered. "This is crazy," she said, letting out a nervous laugh. 

"I know. But crazy can be sorta fun."

Her phone buzzed on the bedside table and she sighed. 

"Hold on, that's probably Sang." 

She turned over to quickly check the message. He'd responded to her text about how she wasn't going to be home until tomorrow morning. 

Sang: I'll let your parents know. Sounds good. Be safe and make good choices. 

She laughed and turned back over to face Jungkook. 

"Sang is going to freak out. . ." 

"Your body guard?" he asked, peeking at her from under his forearm and Wren nodded. 

"Yeah, he's a little obsessed with you guys." 

His arm fell back down to his side and he grinned. "So, does he know about us?" 

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