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It didn't take long for the police to show up at the apartment building. It was maybe thirty minutes later that they managed to somehow trace Wren back to the complex and soon the police and her landlord were knocking on all the doors, asking questions. 

Wren closed the curtain after the tenth time of peeking and the anxiety in her was causing heart palpitations. 

"They're going to find me," Wren stressed, yet Korain didn't seem the least bit concerned. 

"Legally they won't be able to come in and search the place, so if you just stay in my room everything will be fine." 

"Are you sure you're okay with aiding and abetting my runaway?" Wren asked, biting her lip as she looked around her neighbors pristine apartment. "You could get in serious trouble if someone found out. And you have a bright future ahead of you." 

Korain chuckled and went to sit on the couch, casually slinging his arm up on armrest. 

"Don't worry about me so much. Why don't I get you a drink so you can calm your nerves? I'm worried about your blood pressure." 

Wren sighed and peeked out the window again. They still had about twenty doors to knock on before reaching hers but was still anxious.  

She closed the curtain again, and turned around. 

Korain was suddenly there, holding a small shot glass with with a sly smile on his face. "Drink," he said and he passed her the soju. 

Wren didn't question it, her nerves too strung out to even care and she knocked back the alcohol hoping it would numb her frayed nerves. Her liver screamed at her to ease up. 

"So where did you learn?" Korain asked and Wren was caught off guard by the sudden change of conversation topic. 

"Learn what?" she blurted, not even thinking to stop herself from spilling her secrets. Korain already knew basically everything, why not this? 

"To fight?" he asked going to sit on the couch again and Wren couldn't help but think about when Jungkook had asked her the same question. 

With her frayed nerves now a bit more numb, Wren went to sit on the edge of the couch again, but was still poised for a knock. Ready to run into her neighbors bedroom at any given second. 

"My mentor." 

"Your mentor? So someone taught you to fight then?" He raised his eyebrows, surprised it seemed. 

"How else would I have learned?" 

"I don't know maybe you watched a lot of YouTube videos?" Korain shrugged and Wren couldn't help but tilt her head back and chuckle. 

"No, I didn't learn to fight from YouTube. Though I wish it would've been that easy." 

"It's an odd sport for a Prime Minister's daughter." 

"Which is why my father isn't keen on the public knowing about my little side hobby," Wren rolled her eyes. "But enough about me. Are you going against your parents wishes, becoming a doctor? Or are you the prized son they always wished for?" 

A steady smile remained on Korain's lips. "No, I'm not exactly the prized son. Even though I'm pursuing medicine, I still don't think I'll ever be good enough in their eyes." 

"Hmm. I'm sorry to hear that." 

"It's okay. I mean things could be worse, I could be running from them and hiding from the search parties they send after me." 

"True," Wren chuckled, and shook her head. "Still, I bet if I told my parents I wanted to be a doctor they would be so happy, finally I think I'd get some peace. If only I liked that sort of thing." 

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