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Wren's parents returned with a nurse about thirty minutes later. Jungkook startled, sitting up a bit taller, as if he'd been caught doing something illegal. But Wren pulled him back down beside her and her parents didn't seem to mind that they were resting next to one another. 

Jungkook was on edge though even when he sat back down, and she could feel that his whole body was a bit more rigid than before. 

"Looks like everything is healing up nicely. You'll be able to leave tomorrow if everything continues to progress in the right direction," the nurse said. And Wren turned to look at her parents.

They appeared concerned, especially her dad. "Is there no way we can take her home tonight? We would love to have her back with us and we need to return as soon as possible. . ." her father paused and looked at Wren with guilt in his expression. "You're much more important to me than business matters but some very very important meetings are happening this weekend and I must be there—" 

"I'll stay with her," Jungkook suddenly interjected. "And Sang will too. You both need to get back to Seoul." 

"Don't you have a concert coming up with the band?" Wren asked, and Jungkook shook his head. 

"It can wait. I'm confident about our upcoming performance and my team members agree I should be here with you." 

Her mother looked at Jungook, and she smiled approvingly. "That's very kind of you." 

"He's right. You need to get back home and there's not point in staying here when I have Sang and Jungkook to help me out," Wren said to her mom. 

"Are you sure?" Her father asked, brow furrowed. Wren could tell all he wanted was for her to be alright. And the walls that had been built between them the last few years seemed to be completely demolished now. She didn't doubt now that all he ever wanted was for her to have everything he could give her even if he had a funny way of showing it. 

"Yeah, I'm sure. Go. I'll see you tomorrow." 

Her parents fussed over her a bit more before finally deciding to trust her to Sang and Jungkook. Sang went outside to talk to them a bit more before they left, and as the door shut behind them it was just her and Jungkook again. 

Everything was suddenly quiet until Jungkook let out a groan. 

"I bet your parents think I'm such a—" 

"They don't think anything," Wren stopped him with a hand on his arm. "They know how stubborn I can be. And they know you're here to comfort me. And what's making me happy right now is having you here." 

"I want them to think I'm a gentleman, Wren." He gestured to the way they were siting with eachother "This is not very—" 

"Shut up," she said rolling her eyes. "I don't give care what they think. I know you. And that's all that matters." Wren sighed. "Plus Sang is already obsessed with you, and so is my mom. I can see it in her eyes." 

Jungkook laughed and leaned back against the pillows, putting a hand over his eyes. "But your father. . ." 

"He didn't seem to mind either. As long as you're not another kidnapping killer I'm pretty sure my father is fine." 

Jungkook gaped at her, shocked by her dark humor it seemed."Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine, sorry for being so dark. But for some reason this whole thing has actually made me less afraid of everything that's happened." 

His brow furrowed. "Why do you think that is?" 

"Because I finally got to defend myself. And I finally was able to fight back and I won,"  Wren said simply. "Now I know I'm going to be okay." 

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