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The nightmares continued every night. Wren tried eliminating caffeine from her diet, doing meditation before bed, and even tried staying up late to avoid them all together. No matter what she did, the nightmares took the form of her demons and tormented her in her sleep. 

And the only time she found reprieve was when she was listening to his voice. 

Wren knew something must be wrong with her. Something was broken in her brain. Because she wasn't the type of girl to listen to songs on repeat and fall asleep to them like they were a lullaby. 

But that's the only prescription that seemed to alleviate the symptoms. Once she heard his voice, she would fall back asleep and the nightmares would no longer torment her. 

When Friday rolled around she woke up with her AirPods strewn about the bed and her phone haphazardly lost in the sea of sheets. Her 12 hour playlist of Jungkook's covers was still going and Wren hurried to exit out of it like she was guilty of watching porn or something. 

She always deleted her search history. Every time. 

Wren got ready for the day, an eager anticipation in her step as she put her makeup on and got dressed. It was club night. Her and Jungkook would be going to watch the fights again. 

They wouldn't be going until late that evening, but for some reason Wren felt antsy. 

He hadn't said anything about the anxiety attack she'd had during their Monday session. Nothing seemed to be weird between them and he'd even texted her throughout the week about random stuff here and there. Usually it was boxing related but sometimes it wasn't. 

One day he sent her a picture of him in his apartment with all the other members watching the comedy they'd seen just last week. Apparently all seven of them had actually rewatched it together. 

Then he'd sent her a picture of Bam on the couch chewing on a new toy.

It was always really random, and Wren didn't know what to think of the messages. He'd said they were friends, so she assumed that was why he'd sent them. But it was weird for Wren. She'd never really had a friend like him, and she'd also never been addicted to anyone's voice like a sleeping pill. It was a very new territory for her and she wasn't sure how to take it all.

Wren decided she'd try and get some school work done while she waited for six o'clock to roll around and just when she sat down, Sang texted her. 

SANG: Sept 1st is next Thursday! 

WREN: Sept 1st? What's on Sept 1st? 

SANG: Are U serious? 

WREN: What am I missing? 


Wren paused. She didn't know his birthday was next week. She did a quick google search and found out that his birthday was indeed Sept 1st. She hadn't really ever thought to ask him when his birthday was. He'd never asked her hers, so she just assumed it was something only really close friends talked about. 

WREN: And? 

SANG: You're going to get him something right? 

WREN: Why would I get him something? 

SANG: You're friends! You see each other twice a week! You have to get him something! 

A sort of panic settled over Wren, she'd never gotten a birthday gift for anyone except for Sang and her parents. Then again she'd never had another friend to really buy anything for. What would she buy him? What did boys in their early twenties like? Boys that already had enough money to buy literally anything they could ever want? 

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