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A following week, Wren nursed her shoulder and stomach. She wasn't usually a huge baby about injuries, but the soreness was enough to make it hard to get out of bed in the morning.

She decided to take it easy and hoped she could get back to fighting sooner rather than later.

The healing process was probably going slower than usual because she wasn't sleeping the best. She woke up to nightmares more frequently, and struggled to stay asleep.

Wren found herself looking up her symptoms on google, she was so desperate for relief.

One google search led her to several possible diagnosis:




Wren didn't like the possibilities. Because she didn't know how to deal with those sorts of things on her own. Right after the incident had happened her parents had taken her to see a therapist a few times but Wren had thrown a huge fit about not going and so her parents had stopped pushing her.

Wren was beginning to wonder if she needed a professional to tell her what to do.

She closed out of the web browser, cursing under her breathe. For some reason, it felt weak to seek out help from someone else. What could they possibly do for her? Help her talk out what happened? She didn't remember most of it, so there wouldn't even be much to discuss.

She sighed and looked over at Kookie who was now roaming freely throughout Wren's apartment.

"How you doing Kook?" she cooed at the bunny, going over to check on his little area that had his litter box and food bowl.

She checked the litter box and noticed it looked like it needed a refill. She'd have to get a new bag.

"You go through this stuff fast," she said to the bunny. He was hopping around happily, his little paws thumping on the wood. Sometimes he'd do these funny little sprints and his whole body would twist and turn. It was like a little bunny spasm and it made Wren laugh.

"I'll just be gone for a few minutes. I'm going to the store and I'll be right back."

She knew she was crazy for talking to a bunny that couldn't understand her, but it just felt right to talk aloud to him even if he didn't know what she was saying.

Wren grabbed her keys and headed out the door, only to be greeted by her next door neighbor.

"Hey, Korain," Wren said looking to find her studious neighbor holding two suitcases and looking like he was headed somewhere on vacation.

"Hey, neighbor," he said, giving her a small smile. "How's your shoulder holding up?"

"Good. It's been a little sore this week but definitely better than it was." She gestured to his luggage. "Where you headed?" she asked and Korain gave her a confused look.

"I'm heading to Seoul for a few days. Have you found a place to stay yet? I figured you'd already be on your way out."

"Already on my way out? What are you talking about?" Wren let out a nervous laugh, unsure what her neighbor was getting at.

Korain's expression turned to one of concern. "Wren, have you been watching the news?"

Wren's brow furrowed. She hadn't been watching the news for a while cause she was sick and tired of hearing her name on the screen.

"Not this week."

"There's a typhoon headed our way. It's supposed to hit tonight or tomorrow morning. It's going to be heaviest here in the port of Busan, they've asked everyone to evacuate if they can. Someplace safer until it passes."

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