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Two Months Later. 

Through physical therapy Wren slowly got her strength back and was able to walk with a small limp. Her shoulder was almost perfect after being dislocated and the cuts and bruises from the incident had all healed up. 

She was desperate to get back to her job at the Vera gym but her boss was insistent that she take a break and that her job would still be there when she returned. 

The hardest part about recouping was being cooped up all day long in her bedroom while people attended to her. Her parents were very worried about her healing, and wanted her resting as much as possible. 

Wren wanted to argue, and she did. But she hated to admit she only had so much energy. Turns out getting shot in the leg really does a number and walking around with crutches isn't the funnest thing in the world. 

Not that it all sucked. She had a lot of down time with Jungkook more than ever before. He came over everyday and they hung out together. He was slowly becoming such a huge part of her life that her even her parents were used to him walking through the front door without knocking at this point. He was honestly the only one keeping her sane during her whole healing process. 

 It wasn't until around the two month mark that she started to be able to walk without crutches. Wren was getting more and more mobility everyday, feeling stronger and stronger. 

She told Jungkook she wanted to get out of the house, and he agreed to take her to his apartment. But Wren knew it was a cop out. It was just the other safe location where he could make sure she was elevating her leg and not moving too much. She had a suspicion her parents had talked with him in private and he'd vowed to try and keep her from doing anything too risky. Because every time she suggested a date, somehow they'd end up at his apartment. 

They walked through the front door and into his penthouse and Wren sighed.

"You know you're going to have to take me to do something else soon, right?" 

Jungkook chuckled, and threw his keys onto the counter. 

"You're almost done healing, Princess. Then I promise we'll do some more fun things." 

Wren glared at him and went to sit on the couch. Instinctively propping up her leg because she knew he was going to ask her to do it if she didn't. 

"Can't we go to the cabin or something?" she whined and he looked over at her, giving her an expression that he was now giving her on the daily. 

"It's a two hour drive. And it's too far away if something happened. . ." 

"Jungkook—" she stood up, and walked over to him with a slight limp. She met him at the kitchen  counter and he sighed as she put her arms around his neck. "Nothing is going to happen to me." 

He brushed her hair back from her face and the concern etched in his eyes was becoming somewhat permanent. 

"You don't know how scared I was Wren. The fear of losing you—" he stopped mid sentence, unable to continue. 

"Hey. . ."she said, leaning in to kiss him softly. "I'm right here. I'm fine. And I'm not going to start hemorrhaging. I have a limp okay? That's it." 

He tried to smile, but it was a weak one. "I just need to wait for the doctor to clear you and I'll stop worrying, okay?"

She blew out a breathe through her lips. "Okay, fine." 

"Do you wanna watch a show?" 

With all the time on her hands Wren was slowly catching up with all the TV shows on Netflix she'd never seen. She was officially binge watching everything known to man just to keep herself busy. 

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