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With their laughter still echoing across the lake, Jungkook and Wren paddled the overturned canoe back to the wooden dock. They were both soaked through from their unexpected dip in the water, but despite feeling like a wet cat Wren wasn't really that upset about the situation. She was actually in high spirits as they climbed out of the lake and made their way back to the cozy little house.

As they got inside Wren started to shiver from the chill of the water that clung to her skin. Jungkook looked over at her with a sheepish smile.

"Let's get you a towel." He led her deeper into the house, there was a bedroom down the hall and a pretty decently sized bathroom. Hanging up on the wall were three plush white towels. "Here, you can dry off with this," he said, his voice tinged with amusement as he plucked one off the wall and watched her wring out her wet hair.

Wren accepted the towel gratefully, wrapping it around her shoulders as she began to towel off her damp clothes. The soft fabric felt warm against her skin, a welcome relief after their impromptu swim in the chilly lake.

As Wren wrapped the towel around her shivering frame, it helped a little but soon she realized she couldn't shake off the chill that seemed to have seeped into her bones. Her lips remained tinged with blue, a stark reminder of the cold water that still clung to her skin.

"Hmmm. . .It's probably best if you get out of those clothes and into the shower," he said as he reached out to quickly turn on the hot water, steam billowing out from the faucet in a comforting cloud.

She blushed a little at the suggestion but also knew he was right, she wasn't going to warm up like this.

"I'm going to grab you some fresh clothes, I'll be right back."

As he went to go get her a new pair of clothes, she started trying to take off her wet t-shirt. She had a tank top underneath and the two pieces of clothing clung to each other making it extremely difficult to get off.

He returned a few minutes later to find her still struggling to get the shirt over her head. "Here let me help you."

She heard his chuckle, and she couldn't help but groan. "It won't come off," her arms went limp with the shirt bunched all around her neck and shoulders. She couldn't move.

His hands assisted her, helping to grasp the arms of the shirt and peel it off off of her. He let it fall to the floor, the wet material slapping softly against the tile.

What she wasn't expecting to find after taking off her wet shirt was Jungkook.



Her brain short circuited and all she could do was stare for a few moments.

His body was toned to perfection. All muscle and abs and sleek lines. Then there were the nipple piercings and his tattooed arm. . .her insides started doing all sorts of flips and she found herself a little stunned. Seeing him like this in the light, with his hair still wet from the lake, with his jean shorts hanging low on his hips. . .

Wren struggled to speak.

"Um. . .I. . ."

"Here's a change of clothes," he handed her a set of soft cotton basics and Wren was pulled back to reality. Right, he was giving her new clothes. . .

"Th—thank you."

She looked away as she grabbed the clothes from his outstretched hands, unable to look at him as she set them down softly on the counter behind her.

An ache was starting to build in her stomach. A desire to reach out and touch him and pull him to her and feel the way his skin felt pressed against hers. And she had to be strong.

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