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Wren sat on Jungkook's couch thirty minutes later, an icepack pressed to her bruised cheek. 

"Feeling any better?" he asked her from his kitchen where he was grabbing her some Tylenol and some water to wash it down with. 

"A little bit now with the ice," she said, but she was down playing it because it was engrained in her to be tough. But really it still hurt super bad. 

He came over to her and handed her the little white pills and the glass of water. Wren quickly swallowed down the pills and then looked over at Bam who was lying on the couch looking at her with sad brown eyes. 

"He knows your hurt, I think he wants to comfort you," Jungkook explained, reaching over to pat Bam's head. 

"I'm fine, Bam," Wren said to the doberman, and the creature gave a little whine as if he could understand her. 

"When is Sang going to be here?" Jungkook asked, looking at his watch. They'd both been waiting impatiently for her bodyguard to arrive and pick her up. They'd agreed that they would say it was Jungkook who accidentally hit her while trying to learn a particularly difficult maneuver.  They could only hope everyone would believe them. 

"Soon, I should probably head down there and wait for him." Wren stood up.

"I can help you down to the car," Jungkook said quickly, standing with her. 

"No, I don't think that's such a good idea," Wren panicked, shutting him down too quickly to not look suspicious. 

He raised an eyebrow, a skeptical look coming over his features. "Why not?" 

"Um. . .because." She tried to think of an excuse other than, my body guard is obsessed with BTS. "Well, you see—" He'd caught her off guard. She had no choice but the give him the truth. "My body guard is a huge fan of yours and I just have a feeling if he sees you he'll have a heart attack." 

Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise, and then a pleased smile lit up his face. "Your bodyguard listens to our music?" 

Wren cringed. "Yeah. . .obsessively." 

Jungkook's eyes remained alight with amusement. "We do tend to have ARMY of all ages." 

"Yeah, well because of that I think I should go down myself." 

"I'll be fine to meet your body guard, Wren. I do't want you to hurt yourself getting down." 


"Princess, it's fine. I want to meet him anyway if he's a fan." 

She opened her mouth to argue some more but then the intercom in Jungkook's apartment buzzed. 

"Sir, Ms.Kim's body guard is waiting for her out front." 

They both turned to look at each other and Wren didn't have time to react before he started towards the elevator doors and pressed the button. The doors opened immediately and he stepped on. She had no choice but to follow after him. 

He pressed the lobby button and then they were descending. The doors pinged open again a couple moments later and then Jungkook was holding the lobby door open for her that led to the front parking curb. 

Sang was waiting by the passenger side door when he spotted Jungkook walking beside Wren. His eyes widened in surprise, and a myriad of emotions passed across his features. 

"W—what happened to you, Wren?" Sang looked from Wren to Jungkook, and Wren could see that he was doing his best to keep his panic under control. 

"Jungkook's getting a little too good. During our training sessions he accidentally got me on the cheek." 

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