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Wren woke to an arm around her waist, and a warm chest against her back. It took her a moment to remember everything that had happened the night before. 

Jungkook. His skin. Her skin. His lips. . .

Wren gasped softly, taking in the tall ceilings of his luxury apartment and the white sheet thrown haphazardly over the two of them. 

Had she really allowed all that to happen? She put a hand up over her mouth, appalled at her own behavior. 

Wren inwardly berated herself for being so desperate. . .but the way it felt. . .

Her insides twisted with warmth and fuzziness and a bunch of other crazy feelings she couldn't name, and she tried desperately to stifle them. 

No, no, no, she told herself. 

She shouldn't have done anything with him. He was Jeon Jungkook. And that was enough for her to not get involved with him. 

But also a relationship was the last thing Wren needed on top of her identity crisis. She barely knew who she was, how was she supposed to bring someone else into that?

Carefully Wren reached for his tattooed hand that was clutching her tightly against him still. He was sound asleep, his soft exhales brushing across her neck. 

As carefully as she could she removed his arm from around her and slowly eased herself from his clutches. It was dark outside still, and it may have been raining still, but Wren needed to leave. 


She gathered her things as quickly and stealthily as she could. She got Kookie and his cage and quickly stuffed her things into her duffel and then found a pen and paper in the drawer in the kitchen. 

She stuck the little sticky note to the granite counter and began writing. 

Thanks for letting me stay. I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye. 


She looked down at the note for a few seconds, and felt something twist in her chest. She let the painful sensation pass through her body like a wave before refusing to let it trespass again, and then headed to the elevator. 

She pressed the button, and when it opened for her right way, she stepped in and turned around. The last thing she saw was Jungkook still lying on the mattress, fast asleep, his dark hair falling across his forehead, his features so soft and gentle. 

Deep down Wren knew she was a coward for leaving him without saying goodbye. But she just couldn't face whatever might occur if she stayed. 

She pressed the button for the lobby floor and sucked in a deep breathe as the doors closed and she descended. 


Thankfully the typhoon was dying down. It still wasn't the greatest weather, but it was manageable and the news castors were reporting that the typhoon was finally reaching its end and it was safe to travel. The evacuation warning had been lifted and Wren could't believe how lucky she was. 

Right when she needed to escape. It just seemed like an omen. Confirming she wasn't supposed to stay. 

Wren found her car at the underground parking she'd left it at, and thankfully it was unharmed. She started back to her apartment in Busan, trying not to let memories from the night before convince her to turn the car around and go back. 

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