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Wren counted the money in her shoebox, and was shocked by the amount she'd procured from her fights.

She had enough to pay rent for six months. But despite having quite a bit stored up, Wren still wanted to take up underground fights here and there. For her own sanity and for the extra cash.

With her money situation figured out she was able to relax a little. But not completely. Because Wren was on the news. She was dusting her living room while watching TV when she heard her name spoken by one of the newscasters.

"Kim Wren has gone missing. She's reportedly run away, and her parents have put out a reward to anyone who has information on her location."

Wren sighed, set her duster down and changed the channel. She couldn't listen to it.

She felt a little insane for not feeling guilty about worrying her parents. Maybe it was because she was still upset with them. What she did feel guilty about was not texting Sang back, and not showing up to her session with Jungkook. She knew Sang was probably worried sick, and Jungkook was probably super confused as to why she hadn't shown up to the club the night she'd gone missing.

Had he texted her old phone wondering where she'd gone? Did he even care that she'd disappeared?

Wren shoved the thoughts aside, knowing it was pointless to even wonder. He couldn't contact her anymore, and she most likely wouldn't be seeing him again.

Wren would somehow inform her parents and Sang that she was alright, when she was ready to let them know she was safe. And after that, she hoped they'd let her go. Hoped they would stop the search party and realize that she was fine on her own.

That was the plan at least. Wren didn't know how it would all go. Things never went according to plan in Wren's experience.

She sighed, realizing that she was a bit disappointed that she'd sort of started making a new friend and had to completely ruin it. But that was just life for Wren. She was't the type to have friends, and she should've known it would somehow end up like this.

Wren finished dusting the living room then went to the balcony to open the double doors and air out the place a bit. She was stirring up quite a bit of particles and it was making her cough. Wren stepped out onto the tiny little veranda and took in several deep lungfuls of cool September air.

She closed her eyes taking in the quiet moment by herself when suddenly something shuffled next to her.

Wren's eyes flew open at the unexpected sound of movement, and turned to find a man sitting on the balcony adjacent to hers.

"Gosh, you startled me," Wren said, her hand going to her heart.

The man couldn't have been more than five years older than her. He was reading several text books spread out before him while drinking a cup of steaming coffee. He took a sip and then set the mug down on the textbook pages, leaving a black rim stain. He had short black hair and dark brown eyes framed by square rimmed glasses. He wore a set of flannel pajamas and looked at her with an amused expression, then gave her a little bow from where he sat.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, neighbor."

"It's fine," Wren ran a hand through her hair, awkwardly. Unsure if she should try and make conversation with this new neighbor of hers or just walk back inside. "I'm Wren, I just moved in."

"Nice to meet you, Wren. I'm Lee Korain." He gave her a small smile before turning back to his textbook in front of him.

Wren bit her lip, unsure if that was all. She wasn't the talkative type and he didn't seem to be either. She was just about to turn around and head back inside when he spoke again.

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