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Wren walked over to the punch table for the tenth time that evening. She'd been desperately stealing alcohol intermittently to get herself through the evening.

When the waiters weren't looking she'd snatch a flute of champagne and hide it beneath her shawl and then slip in the hallway to inhale it before anyone could notice.

The press conference for the World Expo happened earlier that day. And now it was time for the afterparty. Wren's parents were talking up a storm with many government officials and reporters that were attending the event.

Wren wore the dress she'd gotten fitted to at the dress store and turned out that her mother loved it as much as the dress shop worker had expected. Wren hated wearing dresses but knew it wasn't an option for her to wear sweatpants to the gathering so she accepted her fate. She knew she looked good in the dress, and that was the only thing keeping her from completely hating the outfit she'd been coerced into.

The party was held in someone's giant mansion in Seoul. The house must've had thirty plus rooms in it, and the ballroom they were having the party in was even more extravagant. Crystal chandeliers, expensive tapestries, marble floors and posh rugs. It was all so expensive, and the people inside were just as fancy. Wren felt out of place even in her gown. She hated events where she had to pretend. Nothing was more exhausting than pretending to be something you weren't.

To add to the night's extravagance, the ambassadors for the World Expo happened to be the boy band that Sang was utterly obsessed with. BTS. Wren had to admit she hadn't been paying attention to that little detail when her mother had talked about it earlier that day. But now that they were at the after party Wren hadn't been able to spot Sang for a solid thirty minutes, which was a record. He was too busy trying to catch a glimpse of his favorite K-pop members to keep too close of an eye on her. Wren couldn't understand Sang's obsession. Or the entire world's for that matter. Sure they were pretty and they had some catchy songs. But the obsession that so many people had with them was hard for Wren to fathom.

It was both a blessing and a curse. She hated being babysat, but also hated being bored with no one to keep her company.

She could've cared less that BTS was at the event that evening. She just wanted to go home. More specifically she wished she could get her boxing gloves and the keys to her car and disappear down a dark alley somewhere and beat the crap out of someone.

Wren took another sip of her stolen Champagne. Something was seriously wrong with her.

With a sigh she headed back into the main ballroom again, wishing she could get out of the dress that was like a vice around her waist and chest. She could only imagine how good her boobs were going to feel once she could take it off later.

"Wren, have you said hello to the Expo organizers?" her father asked her, coming up behind her like a ghost and scaring her half to death.

"Dad, you need to tell me when you're about to do that," she scolded him. He'd been running around the entire evening, talking and networking like he usually did. When you were the prime minister, everyone wanted to talk to you.

"You need to be social, Wren. It looks bad on our family if you hide yourself away the entire night. I don't need people think my daughter is socially inadequate."

"I talked to people," Wren lied." I talked to a bunch."

Her father gave her a knowing look. "Converse, Wren."

That was the last command he gave her before slipping back into the buzzing crowd.

Wren groaned, hating that she even had to attend these stupid parties. And if she had any sense she would've listened to him then. Forced herself to say hello to some friends of her parents that were no doubt mingling throughout the room. But instead, she did the opposite. It was just in her nature to disobey.

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