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Wren's foot hit the gas pedal and her first instinct was to go to the club. She drove much faster than was legal, skyscrapers and neon lights flickering in her peripherals.

She turned down the alleyway and came to a sleek, stomach clenching halt. She parked and was just about to open the driver side door when something in her stilled.

Wren eyed the door leading into the club, she could hear the music even from inside her car. A dull thumping was beating behind the brick walls and Wren knew it would be incredible to walk inside and smell the smokey, alcohol stained air and feel the bass pounding against her skin.

But she felt suddenly torn. She wasn't usually one to stop and think. She was impulsive and sometimes reckless when it came to fighting. So why was she hesitating?

Wren glanced at her duffel in the passenger seat, knowing that she could simply grab it and walk right in and no one would stop her.

But something was telling her there was a better way to calm down from being angry at her parents than jumping right back into another fight. She addressed her bruise in the review mirror, it was a muddy purple color, gradually turning into an ugly shade of blue and yellow.

Letting out a sigh Wren buckled her seatbelt again and started her car once more. Not knowing where to go, Wren picked up her phone and opened her messages to text Sang when she noticed her and Jungkook's thread from earlier.

Seeing his name peaked her interest and she suddenly felt the urge to message him.

That's ridiculous, she told herself. Why would you text him?

But even though she told herself it was stupid she ended up typing the words out on the screen before she could stop. herself.

WREN: Can I come over?

Wren looked at the words she texted on the screen and scolded herself.

"Don't be stupid, Wren," she said aloud, and went to hit the backspace button to delete the message and accidentally hit send.

"Shit," Wren cursed, throwing her phone into the passenger seat like it might burn her. "No, no, no," Wren hit her steering wheel with her palm in retaliation, and accidentally hit the horn, startling herself. "Ugh!"

She was a wreck. Leaning her head back against the headrest, Wren blew out a frustrated breathe.

Then her phone pinged.

Wren glared at her phone that she had flung across her car, and with reluctance reached for it and checked the new message.

JUNGKOOK: Yeah, you can come over.

She put the phone back down, unsure how to feel. Was she really going to go over to his apartment at nine o'clock at night?

She didn't want to go home and she knew she couldn't fight. And she didn't have any other friends besides Sang. And despite how much she loved Sang, he wasn't really who she wanted to talk to at that moment.

She'd never gone to Jungkook's place unless it was for their sessions. She wondered if it would be weird to show up just because.

Wren stopped overthinking it. Telling herself that it wasn't a big deal. She was just going to go over to avoid being near her parents for a few hours.

She spun her car around and raced out of the alleyway onto the streets again, heading toward Jungkook's apartment.


Wren rode the elevator up to Jungkook's floor, feeling uncertain about her abrupt decision. Well, it was an accident after all, she wasn't really supposed to send that text message.

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